Sometimes I don't know what I want, really. I view the world as one big pile of mess. It is imperfect, yet alluring in some ways. You will fumble your way around, hit obstacles that impede your progress. But you'll pick yourself up eventually, and find your place in the grand scheme of things. Ecstasy? You bet.
Sunday, December 28, 2003
Met up at a swiss restaurant for jz's birthday treat... i also had the opportunity to meet up with one of my ex-classmates shuu jen whom i have not seen since graduating from AHS... my... she's grown so different (for the prettier of cos) so much so that i almost couldnt recognise her at first sight...The bunch of us had lots of fun and laughter catching up on the good old days, while slowly sipping teh tarik on a breezy cool night... we could have gone on till dawn i swear... and by the way, a word of thanks to angeline for the christmas gift... it was very nice of you... really appreciate it... =)
Err... this one with me in it... hahaha... cos' bob post the exact same photo as me... twert...
Friday, December 26, 2003
Christmas day dinner with a few of my FDS mates... some of the very few nice people in my unit who don't complain at having to do an extra detail or two during duty, which is a rarity since most people whine and sulk after being arrowed to do tasks outside of their job scope. It is always reassuring to know that these are the people who are ever willing to give you a hand, whether in times of peace or of war... NS life is definetely more meaningful with people like them around... minus the cb kias of cos...
Wednesday, December 24, 2003
Its Christmas eve, but it has never really been an occasion for me to celebrate. One, partly because i'm no christian. Two, i never really got into the mood of the festive season (depends)... and three, i HATE crowds!!! I can still remember squeezing through masses and masses of bodies on orchard road... some nice (ahh yes... hehe...*wink wink*) and some downright smelly... yes... blangas!!! hahaha... As much as i would like it, i prefer christmas eve or whatever festive occasion to be a pretty much quiet affair... quality time spent with your close friends or loved ones... nothing like a good meal and just chill out... it's the simple pleasures in life that i seek... its not too much right?
Friday, December 19, 2003
My beloved Liverpool FC is falling apart... the team is playing badly in all compeitions and it is not helped by the fact that injuries have dented any hopes of a revival of any sorts... the year 2001 when they won all 5 cups in spectacular fashion is nothing but a false dawn... tough times have befallen a team still basking in its past year glories and helmed by a manager who politically assuring words promises so much but failed to achieve when it matters most... fans are sick of hearing words like "We're turning the corner soon"or"The season has not yet begun for us"... Think of it another way, it provides much needed humour amidst the gloom surrounding the crestfallen club... Signings that were to usher in a golden era for the club turn out to be its harbringer of death... its all too obvious... i couldn't help laughing when a sports journalist from the papers described Heskey as "the 11 million pounds striker who couldn't strike and El-Hadji Diouf who is a bag of tricks, but more often than not, he succeeds only in fooling himself..." hahahaha... couldn't have been more apt...
Meanwhile in the make-believe world of soccer in Championship manager 4, i will make sure the rest of you guys... bob, malau, doong and ah hui kisses no-where-else-but mine and liverpool's ass... no need for trash talks... el hadji diouf and heskey will haunt you people in virtual world and to you malau... selling diego forlan to me might yet be the biggest mistake of your life... and when he rips your entire defence apart to score, don't come crying to me and tell me you want him back... dream on sucka!!!
Sunday, December 14, 2003
I admit i have this thing for war movies... i've just finished Band of Brothers on Channel 5... which is by far the best thing they've ever done for people like me... i just can't get enough of war movies... you name it, i've seen it... And everytime the show ends, i will confirmed be overwhelmed by the rush of patriotism surging through each and every nerve in my body. So much so I will make a dash to my wardrobe, pull out my beloved number 4 which has gone through thick and thin with me for 2 and a half years, dust it and take a looonng hard smell at it... aahhh it never felt fresher... okay i made up the last bit... hahaha... I lament the vocation which i was assigned during my NS days... not to discredit my unit but it was definitely not how i wanted to serve my NS. NS to me should be tough as shit, otherwise one don't need to bother serving NS cos' Singapore don't need no wussies running around... The government's not helping things either by giving a poor cover up for the recent issue regarding the 'white horse' status of people from the upper echelons of society. I would have signed on with the army if not for my eyesight, and tried to improve in my own little way the inadequacies and flaws of 'the system'... after all, in order to change, you need to be part of the change itself and all things will start from scratch... however ardous they might be... and maybe hope that in time to come, people can see what you have done for them...
To the men of 'Easy' company, i salute you...
Monday, December 08, 2003
Wah liew... this past week i have not been sleeping well... over my results of cos'... what else? And when all is finally revealed through the student portal just moments ago, i let out a sigh of relief... not exactly what i wanted (which is 2 distinctions and 2 credits) but i scored 3 credits and 1 pass... with the lousiest grade coming from MOR... kinda expected it anyway... but i'm just glad i didn't flunk it... or else it is a hefty $1k i have to pay for each subject... bloody daylight robbery i say... PHEW!!! so now... i can finally cast everything aside and play to my heart's content... Just Bring It!!!
Yesterday as i was sitting on the bus home after soccer, i overheard a conversation from this bunch of pimply faced nerdy secondary school girls... it seems to me the whole talk was about their academic pursuits... and there was this very irritating fat cheena speaking girl who just can't stop talking, or rather bragging about how smart she is and how she got into a top school... great... just when i needed a quick nap on the ride home... what astound me was how she so unashamedly asked one of her friends how she landed up in geylang methodist secondary school instead... how i bloody wanted to say to her: "Hey fat girl... whats your f***ing problem? just becos you got into a top school doesn't mean it gives you the right to bring down others..." This inadvertently highlights another social problem... kids nowadays are so academically inclined that they lack the necessary social skills to interact with people around them, i.e. they are simply not sensitive enough to how people feel... they are careless with their words and don't give a shit to what's happening outside their books... Wait, i can relate all this to one person... yes, thats right, my good-for-nothing sister!!! Arrrgghh... my blood is starting to boil again... how could such people survive in society??!
Sunday, December 07, 2003
This is to inform you guys out there... my current email address: will no longer be in use with effect from 1st Jan 2004, so please kindly make the necessary adjustments... my new email address will be ... looking forward to hearing from you people there...
Friday, December 05, 2003
Sad times for singapore soccer... not that its the first time such things are happening to the Lions... lost 2-0 to myanmar and then few days back, to our brudders across the causeway... by the same scoreline too... the singapore soccer scene is in da pits man... the future is bleak... and it is not helped by the fact that players show no commitment and take for granted their places in the national squad... if only they show as much passion as i do during my weekly sunday soccer sessions... hahaha... all those trash talk of making it for GOAL2010... Kana sai!!! Puiii!!!! i say go back to the basics lah... start by strengthening the mental fitness of the players... i mean just look at how the Lions or pussycats if you prefer, decapitate themselves once so often... No doubt i can see some glimmer of technical abilities in the side but if you're weak mentally, you'll get slaughtered no matter how skilfull you are... haiii... the more i say the more sad i am.... just exactly when was the last time our national side produced something decent to show to us fans? Yes... eons ago... when the likes of fandi, sundram, and abbas were still around... how i miss the glory days... ah damnnit... i'll go collect the money i won from betting on malaysia... err... did i just mention i betted on malaysia? hehehe... when it comes to betting... logic and reasoning comes first before the heart says anything... thats why my wallet is fatter with a few more bucks now... who can complain?
Thursday, December 04, 2003
" I'm lovin' it! " takes on a whole new meaning...
Honda VFR 800 (iWish), 2007 Saab Aero X, Saab 9-5 Aero, Apple iPhone, Oakley prescription glasses (iHave), bridging for my genetically missing teeth (iWant), & lastly, World Peace (HA!)