Sunday, July 13, 2008



I finally got my new toy, the HP 2133 mini-note PC yesterday!

After some frantic scrambling to get to the redemption booth at Funan centre, I was somewhat disappointed that there weren't not much people around. Damn it, shouldn't have woke up so early. We're like no.3 in the queue and got out with my new toy in less than 10mins.

Next, we went to get a new mouse. Wireless mouse was a tad too expensive at $39 bucks so we decided to get a normal one for less than $20.

I think I got to upgrade my ram from the current 1gb to 2gb. The current specs of the mini note is too slow for my liking. But the clear sound quality & resolution of the screen kind of make up for that deficiency in a sort of way. Or was it the new OS Home Vista that is causing the lag? Hmmm...

In case some of you guys don't know what it looks like, here it is...

Nice & small, fits right in your palm...NOT! But this is as close as it can gets!

If you like it, do check out starhub's current promotion for maxonline, if you sign up or recontract for 2 years you can stand to own this baby! While stocks last!

Monday, July 07, 2008

Travel hiho!

Se7en was deliciously good, Hostel was downright sick & Sweeny Todd was plain boring.

I'm will be living out of a suitcase the whole of this week.

I hope to get my HP mini-note tomorrow during lunch before flying off to KL.

On a side note, my gf keeps calling me "Po" recently. If I resembles that funny fat slob kungfu panda, I think malau will be (what else but) the monkey, lye heng can be master crane, jizheng can be viper, bob can be mantis, and doong... shit! no other fat characters around. If compare him to Tigress, its a bloody insult. Kungfu panda was a bloody funny movie and it certainly feels good to laugh yourself silly.