Tuesday, September 16, 2008


There's always a first time... to tender your resignation. I was just thinking to myself not to drag on any longer. The longer I drag, the more I hesitate and the more things won't move.

Maybe there's always the fear of the unknown, not helped by the fact that I'm a low risk taker which I think I am. After all, there's always the lingering thought of not doing well in the new job. But must think positive! Let's just put it that way, the money is there for you to take it... IF you are good enough to take it.

So change is inherently good, if you can make it to be. For me, myself & Kenny & everyone else.

Here's to a new beginning!

Saturday, September 06, 2008

The month thus far...

Wall.e was sooo cute and it was worth every penny!

The gf & I went to the gym for the first time together today, after deciding she has had enough of her sedentary lifestyle. I was delightfully surprised of cos. As they always say, better late than never!

However, what made me even more surprised was that I had managed to psycho her into sitting on my bike! Finally! That really made my day. I have waited for ages to come! I just couldn't stop grinning from ear to ear. I exercised a bit more caution & safety in my riding today. The rain couldn't stop us either. I was thinking to myself: "Damn! What a time to rain, and on the first time she sat on my bike somemore!" She was a bit hesitant but didn't complain that much, just reminded me to ride slower only.

The best thing about life is for your loved ones to place their entire trust in you, and believing you won't make a big mess of it.

Life is great, well, if its only for a start only... =)