Friday, November 21, 2008

Avenue Q da musical

So my baby got us this 2 free tickets to one of Broadway's most popular show "Avenue Q".

It is being described as the adult version of Sesame Street, with people acting alongside puppets which they control & mime with.

Ok I must admit I slept for a few parts during the show... its either:

1) I'm not that smart to catch their jokes because I'm not culturally attuned to their jokes.
2) I don't know how to appreciate the musical & I should be better off watching toilet humor like those of Stephen Chow.

Actually, why I'm writing this post is because in parts where the actors tell jokes which I deem as not funny, people actually laugh. Hey, if there's anyone more receptive to jokes & funny stuffs, then I'm the man for you. But if I'm not even laughing, why are you?

Pretentious stinkaporeans who act atas by going to la esplanade to watch some ang moh musical where I think you people don't even understand the jokes they are telling half the time.

So stop the silly acting people. Laughter is meant to be real & true, like words from the bottom of your heart when you say "I love you" to your girlfriend. If it ain't funny, don't laugh for the sake of laughing. Afraid of getting scorned upon by your colleagues or friends whom you went together with? Come on, get a life.

Watch some Shaolin Soccer instead.


P.S. Oh, by the way, those actors inside the musical can really sing very well. Just not my cup of tea though!