Thanks to the GSS, Gundam Wing Endless Waltz models are going on the cheap... got this crystal clear model for ONLY $15 bucks... less than half the original retail price!!!
Saturday, June 28, 2003
Friday, June 27, 2003
Went to this really swanky restaurant in Fullerton Hotel yesterday with the whole family… was having second thoughts as I was wearing burmudas so too was my mum…haha…somemore the place so posh that the price for dining in must be even “poshier” too… but my sis insisted on going in anyway cos she’s the one giving the treat… as we stepped in, we immediately found ourselves at ease when we saw some tourists dressing sloppily too… phew! But I still find it uneasy getting up every now and then to help myself to the buffet servings though… I mean, for all the grandeur of the place, you find people ( typical Singaporeans ) dressing as though they are going to the wet market ( I’m referring to myself… haha ) Strangely enough the staff did not cast me the dirty look … maybe its because there’s no particular dress code? In any case, there won’t be a next time …if even the restaurant declares everything I eat is on the house… hahaha… Mum if you’re looking at this… don’t kill me please… hahaha… cos I’m gonna tell the whole world what you said on that night… ok here it goes… *sniggles*
The waiter was asking my mum “ Mam’, coffee or tea? “ My mum, for the love of God, and the heartlander auntie she always will be, replied “ Teh Si “ WAHAHAHAHAHAHA... our table erupted into laughter immediately... wah piang eh... high crass restoran leh ... hahaha... my dad added in “ eh ee mmph see kopi kia leh... “ ( loosely translated he’s not a coffee boy in Hokkien ) I tell you people... damn funny man...I’m still laughing away like mad as I’m typing this... hahaha... but on a more serious note, they seldom have the chance to come to this kind of posh place cos they have been slogging their entire lives providing for our needs ... to that, I thank them for what I have today... love you two always...
The waiter was asking my mum “ Mam’, coffee or tea? “ My mum, for the love of God, and the heartlander auntie she always will be, replied “ Teh Si “ WAHAHAHAHAHAHA... our table erupted into laughter immediately... wah piang eh... high crass restoran leh ... hahaha... my dad added in “ eh ee mmph see kopi kia leh... “ ( loosely translated he’s not a coffee boy in Hokkien ) I tell you people... damn funny man...I’m still laughing away like mad as I’m typing this... hahaha... but on a more serious note, they seldom have the chance to come to this kind of posh place cos they have been slogging their entire lives providing for our needs ... to that, I thank them for what I have today... love you two always...
Wednesday, June 25, 2003
Just finished “In the mood for Love” ( 花 樣年華 ) on dvd an hour ago on an overcast chilly morning, I’ve always liked this kind of weather, it has just the right mood for people to get cosy together… err… no naughty thoughts here…hehehe… back to the show… the movie being an arthouse flick and all, was disappointing really… I wasn’t even aware that the movie has ended… nothing spectacular, boring most of the time… or maybe its because I don’t know how to appreciate this kind of movie… haha… the only kick was seeing Maggie Cheung in cheongsam… she’s one hot chick I must say…
Tuesday, June 24, 2003
Thursday, June 19, 2003
This group shot was taken at the final leg of the tour Bedok and Tampines trip on foot and pedals, at Bedok Reservoir… from our footwear you can guess who were the ones actually jogging… the other two I’m ashamed to say, are both slackers…people… move your fat asses and do some work man…
By the way, Kwang… what’s wrong man? You peed in yer pants or wot? Heehee… am I really too fast for you? Tell me to slow down next time ok? hehehe...
Today i finally close the door to NUS for good... i've talked to a lot of people, did much reading on the course itself and i think what my cousin said made the most sense... he said degrees are commonplace things nowadays and what employers are actually looking for is not much of where you got it from but rather how much experience you've had... considering that, i can most definitely do A LOT of things in that two years i were to sacrifice in order to study for the NUS course... i certainly hope i will not look back at this few years down the road and regret it...
Saturday, June 14, 2003
Went to meet up with ( from left : Angeline, Wynnie, Jizheng, Shaun, Bob, and ah hui ) at " Blue Notes " in Boat Quay after an outing with Hui Hui and Liumin... don't really like the place that much... their chill out music is not that chill out to me... hehe... was pleasantly surprised to see Angeline whom i've not seen for a year and half or so...spent most of the time catching up with her... eh you still look the same, nothing has changed... as ditzy as ever... haha...
After that, the two girls and i accompanied jz to his house to get his car... the other guys were to meet us later for supper... had to drop off Angeline cos she's working tomorrow and as we drove to supper after picking up the 3 guys, we were shocked to find a road block ahead near Singapore Expo and there was one too many passenger in the back seat... s***! we're in for it... we tried a lot of pattern like trying to stuff poor Bob under the leg room and sitting in a staggered pattern in the hope of deceiving the traffic police... hahaha...
as we cautiously approach the police officer, we put on our calm front to try to throw him off guard but alas he saw through our trick... now here comes the funny part... his first remark was " whoa... lorry ah? " damn i try hard not laugh and then as we were trying to get out of the mess, someone said something and he replied " you think what? chan mali chan... " MUAHAHA damnnit he's funny... when we realised we had nowhere to hide, we admitted it and he said " ... thank you sir... you are very frank... please pull to the side and have a nice day..." Whoa i must respect our Singapore TP... unlike our neighbour across the causeway... haha... you guys should know what i mean... And as we were waiting for the summon to be slapped on us, another police officer came over to tell us that his colleague told us to go... Huh?!?! we quickly drove off after saying a word of thanks...not stopping to think case he changed his mind... what a lucky escape...
phew! which only goes to show our officers have a heart too... maybe perhaps we didn't trash talk much with the officer and pissed him off so much he decided to let us go... but anyway you deserve my salute Officer Rahim ( i remember the name meaning 'compassionate' , and bob confirmed it in his blog during a visit to the Asian civilisation museum some time back... ) hahahaha....
Friday, June 13, 2003
Went out with Wyi Teck and Dustin today to spend the $30 Swensen's vouchers we won during last semester's soccer tournament... next it was off to peninsula plaza to get a new pair of soccer boots for teck... after some bargaining i managed to get the boots at $60 instead of the usual $79... hehehe... today i also took a picture of the 2 buggers but i was cursing myself when i accidentally deleted the photo when i was clearing my old ones just when i was about to upload them... it was one of the rare moments you actually can get teck to smile for the camera... my perfectly timed expletives did the trick and voila! captured on film (or memory) for all to see... especially for those who know him... hehehe damnit but there will be a next time....
8 days and counting... 20th June is the latest day to reply to NUS's offer... to take up or not to? My mind seems to be going back and forth in this endless struggle to come to an answer... 4 years is so damn bloody long a time to commit to ... and there is no guarantee that i will do well with all the people around me... but then again it's NUS i'm giving up a place in... a dream i've been dreaming and now it's being presented to me before my very eyes... then again its not just a question as simple as a take it or leave it type... it has far more implications than one could have imagined... how nice if it could be if the offer was given to me a year ago... then all problems would be solved in an instant... right now i'm still pondering...
Thursday, June 12, 2003
Today was spent in the most unimaginable way... played soccer at NUS with my SIM friends from 10am to 2pm then went jogging from my house to the reservoir and back which comes up to about 7 km....'s been a long time since i worked out so hard... the last being in army days where this can be considered the norm... never felt so fit in my life before... all these being said... i wolfed down a mountain of a rice bowl... met up with kwang aphaiwong and had sundae ice cream for supper... hahaha...
Tuesday, June 10, 2003
Don't know whether should i be happy or sad... NUS just offered me a place in Building/Real Estate... all these after 4 years of rejection letters and 3 'A' Levels exams... can't believe all this is happening... its like you're being slapped and humiliated left, right, centre and upside down, then all of a sudden, the fella gives you a lollipop... and invites you to live in his bungalow.... just how the hell am i supposed to react??? suck suck sucks... damnnitttt....
Monday, June 09, 2003
Went to library@esplanade today to return my DVDs and also to borrow good can this get??$20.80 for a year's worth of DVDs, DVDs and more DVDs!!! Wahahaha...
Just before i left my house, i took along my very screwed up digicam to entertain myself this afternoon... hahaha... after scrutinising every single DVD available on the shelf, i got for myself Lilith Fair (Sarah's inside!!!), Journey to the West: Pandora's Box (starring Stephen Chow who else?) and Planet Of the Apes ( i haven't watch before) woohoo!!! another big harvest... and so i went outside for some outdoor photography to satisfy the people who say my blog lacks arty fartsy pictures haha... so there you are...not bad for an amateur huh?
Half expecting scorching heat that has been blasting our island for weeks, i was pleasantly surprised to find cooling breeze blowing into moi face and moi silky hair ( errr... i forgot i'm sporting "arami" style now ) Dang! like a tourist who's never been to S'pore before, i snap at almost anything i can lay my eyes on... from buildings to statues and from men's loo@esplanade to dog's poo@padang... nothing escapes my camera...hahaha... ok i made the last bit up myself... I was walking along the Queen Eliza park opposite the Esplanade when i saw a local guide and a silly ang moh dressed up in colonial garb ( goddamnnit he's Raffles)
telling stories to a small enthusiastic crowd made up of aunties at the Lim Bo Seng Memorial... haha i wanted to snap this "Raffles" for you guys to see one but then i couldn't find a covert spot to carry out my deed... dammnit...
Whoa... time is almost 4 when i've finished my round at city hall... i went over to peninsula plaza for a look to get a replacement for my soccer boots... 1st stop: this small shop and i saw this predator like addidas boots i quite fancy so i ask the uncle is $89 the best price he can offer me... he said $70 and i was like " sia!!!" but my instincts tell me there might be even cheaper deals ahead of me.... i was damn right but the only thing is all the shops i've been to has only the last pair of the same design!!! W T F .... so i went back to the first shop and managed to get a pair of my size at $65 after much bargaining.... case closed...
Just before i left my house, i took along my very screwed up digicam to entertain myself this afternoon... hahaha... after scrutinising every single DVD available on the shelf, i got for myself Lilith Fair (Sarah's inside!!!), Journey to the West: Pandora's Box (starring Stephen Chow who else?) and Planet Of the Apes ( i haven't watch before) woohoo!!! another big harvest... and so i went outside for some outdoor photography to satisfy the people who say my blog lacks arty fartsy pictures haha... so there you are...not bad for an amateur huh?
Half expecting scorching heat that has been blasting our island for weeks, i was pleasantly surprised to find cooling breeze blowing into moi face and moi silky hair ( errr... i forgot i'm sporting "arami" style now ) Dang! like a tourist who's never been to S'pore before, i snap at almost anything i can lay my eyes on... from buildings to statues and from men's loo@esplanade to dog's poo@padang... nothing escapes my camera...hahaha... ok i made the last bit up myself... I was walking along the Queen Eliza park opposite the Esplanade when i saw a local guide and a silly ang moh dressed up in colonial garb ( goddamnnit he's Raffles)
telling stories to a small enthusiastic crowd made up of aunties at the Lim Bo Seng Memorial... haha i wanted to snap this "Raffles" for you guys to see one but then i couldn't find a covert spot to carry out my deed... dammnit...
Whoa... time is almost 4 when i've finished my round at city hall... i went over to peninsula plaza for a look to get a replacement for my soccer boots... 1st stop: this small shop and i saw this predator like addidas boots i quite fancy so i ask the uncle is $89 the best price he can offer me... he said $70 and i was like " sia!!!" but my instincts tell me there might be even cheaper deals ahead of me.... i was damn right but the only thing is all the shops i've been to has only the last pair of the same design!!! W T F .... so i went back to the first shop and managed to get a pair of my size at $65 after much bargaining.... case closed...
Sunday, June 08, 2003
Friday 6th June
Liumin and Hui Hui ( 2 of my JC classmates whom i still keep regular contact ) came over to my house for a visit...i told them they must feel so honoured to have been the first female species to step my house ( i think...) hahaha... well, there's a first time to everything right? scrutinised moi place and laughed their silly heads off with old photo albums i showed them... they were hanging around watching Sarah McLachlan's DVD i borrowed and wasn't intending to stay for long until my mum called to ask them whether they would want to taste her culinary skills and so they agreed... another first... hahaha... quite a few firsts happened that day... nonono now don't you think dirty... haha... after dinner we wanted to go KTV but was fully booked at most places so we hit the town for some picture taking... would love to put up the pictures of the girls and places we went but due to technical difficulties, i'm unable to do so...
Liumin and Hui Hui ( 2 of my JC classmates whom i still keep regular contact ) came over to my house for a visit...i told them they must feel so honoured to have been the first female species to step my house ( i think...) hahaha... well, there's a first time to everything right? scrutinised moi place and laughed their silly heads off with old photo albums i showed them... they were hanging around watching Sarah McLachlan's DVD i borrowed and wasn't intending to stay for long until my mum called to ask them whether they would want to taste her culinary skills and so they agreed... another first... hahaha... quite a few firsts happened that day... nonono now don't you think dirty... haha... after dinner we wanted to go KTV but was fully booked at most places so we hit the town for some picture taking... would love to put up the pictures of the girls and places we went but due to technical difficulties, i'm unable to do so...
Met up with my army buddies for a game of soccer at NTU...initially we had planned to play at the SRC but the f***ing Banglas took all the space to play their stupid game of cricket... wonder what's so interesting batting around with their wooden sticks... morons... so eventually we settled on an uneven field at Hall 7... no choice...
Our opponents were Siang Ann's neighbour and his friends... very fit, rather average skills, but definitely BIG TIME stinkos who irritate us at every instance with little nudges here and there... it was therefore no surprise Ah Long erupted after constant harrassment from one of the defenders... a little free for all fight happened when one of the opponents rushed towards Ah Long and our captain Ah Guan whacked the little b****** to save him... tempers were flaring but eventually cooled down from the timely intervention of both sides...
1st half score: 3-0 to Team FDS Bravo... whoa man easy meat... seems quite clear to me brawn doesn't get you anywhere... Full time 4-3 FDS Bravo... that's because we've gotten complacent and partly due to the loss of my ex-section commander Ah Cheng aka " G C B " hahaha... this guy still look every bit the name we gave him... but he plays good football... and ex-PS Steven Soosai with his silky ball skills ( damn indians can play good football...) right now the fella's not in regular service but a full time DJ at small-time events... cool... and so we hung around playing another round of soccer among ourselves before taking a shower at the nearby hostel and went to Jurong Point for lunch... it's been really nice to see them again... till 22nd June Runway Cycling my comrades!!!
Our opponents were Siang Ann's neighbour and his friends... very fit, rather average skills, but definitely BIG TIME stinkos who irritate us at every instance with little nudges here and there... it was therefore no surprise Ah Long erupted after constant harrassment from one of the defenders... a little free for all fight happened when one of the opponents rushed towards Ah Long and our captain Ah Guan whacked the little b****** to save him... tempers were flaring but eventually cooled down from the timely intervention of both sides...
1st half score: 3-0 to Team FDS Bravo... whoa man easy meat... seems quite clear to me brawn doesn't get you anywhere... Full time 4-3 FDS Bravo... that's because we've gotten complacent and partly due to the loss of my ex-section commander Ah Cheng aka " G C B " hahaha... this guy still look every bit the name we gave him... but he plays good football... and ex-PS Steven Soosai with his silky ball skills ( damn indians can play good football...) right now the fella's not in regular service but a full time DJ at small-time events... cool... and so we hung around playing another round of soccer among ourselves before taking a shower at the nearby hostel and went to Jurong Point for lunch... it's been really nice to see them again... till 22nd June Runway Cycling my comrades!!!
Wednesday, June 04, 2003
Went swimming with Bob and Lye Heng at Bedok Swimming complex and today a historic first happened to Bob, he got chatted up by a rotund lady in saxxyy neon green bathing suit... wooohooo! way to go Bobby boy!!! HAHAHAHAHA.... me and Mervyn ( whom we met at the swimming pool also ) swam away from danger before Bob could even say the word " f*** " ... and so it was left to Lye Heng and Bob to fend for themselves... oohh the grass is so much greener on the other side...lalalala~~
Tuesday, June 03, 2003
Yah... i forgot to mention i went to library@esplanade to sign up for this premium membership thing at $20.80 ( thanks to bob who told me about this ) and it allows you to borrow all the stuffs you want, including audio visual materials like movies and music DVDs... A W E S O M E... its a damn steal !!! And so i got myself Sarah McLachlan's Mirrorball, Bryan Adam's MTV Unplugged and a movie Duke of Mount Deer made in '92 starring my favourite slapstick comedian Stephen Chow!!! Fantastique!!!
Oh yeah i met my father's subcontractor friend who's a dead ringer for Kong haha ( for those of you who still remember who he is...) damnnit when he was driving up to me in his pickup i was shocked for words... i mean what was Kong haha doing here delivering paint to my dad??! Seriously if i had my digi cam by my side i would have asked him to pose for a shot for you guys to see... you HAVE to see to BELIEVE it... haha speaking of Kong haha i still remember him and his rather eccentric behaviour... like chasing you round and round the field knowing he can NEVER catch you and stealing my 20 cents hacks sweets with weiyang and yes! HE TWISTED MY NECK BEFORE THE START OF GEOGRAPHY CLASS FOR NO REASON AT ALL!!!! if i didn't remember wrongly, it was a TOTALLY unprovocated assault dammnit.... there i was sitting in class quietly waiting for lessons to start and all of a sudden... i heard a sickening "CRRRAACCCKKK!!!" (actually no lah...i add the extra words for dramatic effect) in my neck from behind... damn i was pissed...BIG TIME!!!(yes i could still stand up...) i stood up, turned around and chased him to his seat before delivering the final blow to his head with a earth splitting chop ( that was the ONLY time i ever used force on anyone...i swear!!!) And when the teacher came in and asked why my head was tilted to one side and Kong haha crying silently in one corner... yeah the whole class knows why except you...'cher! Hahahaha it still brings back the laughter everytime i talk about it...
Check out my new handphone... presenting to you the Samsung A800!!!(Thank you mum and dad!!!) What a stylish petite beauty she is... all went well except for one thing... the lady who attended to us replaced my SIM card instead of my dad's because his is rather outdated and not compatible with the new phone he purchased... and as i was happily fiddling around with my new handphone when my line suddenly went dead and i was like " W T F??!" So this morning i made a trip back there again this morning to get a new SIM card for my dad who needs the phone for his work... after that being done i took the train down to Raffles Place to have lunch with my mum and dad who was working at UOB Plaza 1 to refurbish one of the offices over there, and also to pass him the phone... surprise of all surprises i met wyi teck who was distributing flyers at busy Raffles Place outside the stock exchange so i made his job a little (or should i say lot more easier) by taking a chunk of the flyers and dumped it in the nearest trash bin ... hehehe... eh teck next time lunch's on you...haha...
After lunch, i went up to take a look from the 23rd floor where my parents are working... the view from the top was great and you can see quite a bit of the city from where you are... i hung around... helped my parents carry stuffs and painted sections of the wall... haha tough work really... imagine they have been doing this for almost half their lifetime... must appreciate the things they do for you... and that's the only definition of unconditional love i know of... not of the type between wasn't lucky enough to give or receive it... until the time comes... and so to my parents i tell them this: 2 years more is all it takes and hopefully i can secure a stable job that can at least provide for their basic needs and wants... and also fufill my role as a fillial son unlike my goddamned sister whom i have no hopes of her doing anything meaningful in her lifetime... damn i can write a lot of s*** here about her but i think its more than enough... just not comfortable pouring out everything here for all to see... i need a certain degree of privacy too...
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