Yah... i forgot to mention i went to library@esplanade to sign up for this premium membership thing at $20.80 ( thanks to bob who told me about this ) and it allows you to borrow all the stuffs you want, including audio visual materials like movies and music DVDs... A W E S O M E... its a damn steal !!! And so i got myself Sarah McLachlan's Mirrorball, Bryan Adam's MTV Unplugged and a movie Duke of Mount Deer made in '92 starring my favourite slapstick comedian Stephen Chow!!! Fantastique!!!
Oh yeah i met my father's subcontractor friend who's a dead ringer for Kong haha ( for those of you who still remember who he is...) damnnit when he was driving up to me in his pickup i was shocked for words... i mean what was Kong haha doing here delivering paint to my dad??! Seriously if i had my digi cam by my side i would have asked him to pose for a shot for you guys to see... you HAVE to see to BELIEVE it... haha speaking of Kong haha i still remember him and his rather eccentric behaviour... like chasing you round and round the field knowing he can NEVER catch you and stealing my 20 cents hacks sweets with weiyang and yes! HE TWISTED MY NECK BEFORE THE START OF GEOGRAPHY CLASS FOR NO REASON AT ALL!!!! if i didn't remember wrongly, it was a TOTALLY unprovocated assault dammnit.... there i was sitting in class quietly waiting for lessons to start and all of a sudden... i heard a sickening "CRRRAACCCKKK!!!" (actually no lah...i add the extra words for dramatic effect) in my neck from behind... damn i was pissed...BIG TIME!!!(yes i could still stand up...) i stood up, turned around and chased him to his seat before delivering the final blow to his head with a earth splitting chop ( that was the ONLY time i ever used force on anyone...i swear!!!) And when the teacher came in and asked why my head was tilted to one side and Kong haha crying silently in one corner... yeah the whole class knows why except you...'cher! Hahahaha it still brings back the laughter everytime i talk about it...
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