Thursday, August 14, 2003

I'm in school now... taking a break from keying in the fields in the SPSS program... never knew it would be THIS tedious... anyway as i was thinking of something to post on my blog, i suddenly remembered that particular spitting incident by a f***ing Chinaman... partly ignited by his fellow Chinagirl who walked past me along the corridor moments ago...hehe... and so it happened like that... this was a few months back... i was having lunch at the foodcourt (oops i nearly said cookhouse... haha...) in my school when i saw this beng-ish Chinaman chewing on his food, then spitted out on the floor!!?? i thought to myself... what the f***?! is he doing??? Obviously he is showing a utter lack of respect for MY country... JEESUS christ... then i remembered this article from a straits times beijing correspondent on the spitting scene in China and i was totally grossed out they even considered it to be their culture... and so darn proud of it... damn its soooo uncivilised... i mean... for all the history and achievements of China... is that the best they can bring to us?? which reminds me... i strongly suggest to PM Goh and his merry men that we should pass a new law to cane Chinamen who spits in Singapore ala Michael Fay... this should send shivers down their spines... otherwise you will see more and more of this socially undesirable and unrepentable behaviour by their comrades who are swarming our shores this very moment...
Supporters for the " Cane Chinamen who spits" campaign? Anyone?

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