Morbid Kiat
Bloody weird wound huh (pun fully intended here) ... this is my knee cap after it took a beating from the impact as a result from me attempting an e-brake on a rainy day as part of the training programme... i guess i screwed up there... jammed da bloody brakes too hard... it didn't helped that my bike was f***ed up. Just before i begin the run up, the engine died on me... cos there's not enough fuel left in the tank to power the bike... i suppose they didnt top up the dot 3 fuel on the brakes as well... hahaha... dammnit... but luckily they passed me at the end of the day, which i don't think they did it out of sympathy... it was well worth the pain (what am i talking here? am i sick or what??!) Looking back... it was quite scary actually... the moment of impact landing on the tarmac and kerb which is reinforced thank goodness by rubber tires... Wham! right under the instructor's nose... no serious shit though... escaped with a few cuts, slight limp in my right leg, the 2 brake light- like wounds and a ripped pair of giordano jeans... hurhurhur...
And yeah just caught american idol 3 on tv just now... hell it was freaking funny... provided me tonnes of laughter when i was on the way home from tuition and then in the comfort of my living room... the audition part is always the most hilarious of all... who would ever forget the likes of edgar nova singing enrique iglesias' 'can't escape my love'? hahaha.... classic!!! This season we have william hung shakin' his bons bons a la ricky martin!!! fcuk it was hella funny... with his very own slick(y) ricky moves... hahaha... which reminds me, he looks so much like the chinese guy at 'sheely wok' in southpark!!! hahaha... you can't really blame trey parker and matt stone if every chinese in the US of A talks like william hung does... muahahaha... wicked!
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