Lost and found... my primary school buddy fasihuddin... It was really nice to hear from him again... it was him who contacted me after a gap of dunno how many goddamn years... and the most amazing thing is: he still remembers my house telephone by heart!!! Wah lau... make me feel so guilty...He used to be one of my best budds around... played sega together... do silly projects... always called to ask me what to bring to school for tomorrow... hahaha... those were the things we used to do back in primary school... i always called him "haooooolian fasihuddin" because matter of fact... he IS haolian and forever boasting about how good he was in this and that... some things never changed... hahaha... maybe thats why my first meeting with him for a loong time turned out well... its was all-talk non stop for a few hours... and didnt turn into an awkward situation for either of us... it was as if we were still best budds back in primary sch... anyway, fasi, if you're reading this... i would like to apologise for the horsekicks i almost (or did i?) land on your face... ahahaha... *snaps finger* wickkkeeddd...