Monday, June 28, 2004
My first ICT is almost coming to an end, on the 30th June to be exact... My bank account's fatter by $314.43, not too bad for 16 days of work, if you could count slacking and reading FHM as work, hahaha... Still, for the occasionally feel-like-signing-on mad me, it took some time adjusting back to the military regime, like carrying my rifle (oohh it feels so damn heavy, almost feels like holding a gpmg), doing fire movements (they make me prone and now my uniform's dirty!!! and they make me run up the f**king hill!!!) and waking up at ungodly hours to do duty... muahaha... i mean, ask me to do all these back during my active NSF days, i swear i can get high... hahaha... no lah, i mean i won't curse and swear lah... but now i'm so accustomed to civilian life, which i am pretty darn sure almost everyone i know is, that if u ask me to sign on straight after i graduate, i would have serious reservations about it... its not that i feel any significance has been lost in it, but rather the feeling of giving up everything the outside world has to offer... its just too tempting... Well, to be fair, as with any job, it takes time to adapt to a whole new environment... So, the idea's not entirely lost on me... yet. Interesting though, is how yandao i look in my reservist security pass. I was waaayyy fatter during my NSF days... lazy to scan my old pass lah, but then again there's no need to revisit the past when the present and future is so much brighter... hahaha... the discipline and dedication shown in frequent nightly ahem! 8km runs to keep fit has definitely paid off... B.I.G time baby... WOO!!!

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wah lan!! nightly 8k runs?? sure or not? aiyoh. you so shameless ah, some stranger who doesn't know just how shameless you really are is going to stumble into your site and make you the very next 'street eyebrow plucker'!!
Mr Ed (eh, now post must have account wan ah?)
No lah... dun need to have a blogger account to post comments one... just post like u normally do... anonymous user lah... but leave ur name lah so i know who mah... and pls lah... u compare me to that super buay hiao bai street eyebrow plucker... he's the ultimate already lah... i not even near to his level... hahaha...
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