Aiight, aiight its the time of the year again, what else could it be? exams lah... how boorrringg... nothing bores me more than studying man... but to console myself a lil' bit, this will be the 2nd last time I am
EVER gonna sit for an exam in my entire life time (I hope) ... *yeahhh?* unless I intend to pursue my masters or Phds lah, and how much of a possibility do you think the chances of me
EVER studying again are?! Wahaha... your guess is as good as mine...
After the last project was being dunked into the submission box last friday, I declared (as usual) for myself a well deserved holiday that stretched till yesterday before I finally started on my revision. And to think exams is only 2 weeks away... *Shiitt... PANIC!!!* eh wait... panic?? since when did the word even exists in my dictionary? Every time without fail, I would lapse into feeling that my 'hidden' intellect or 小聰明 would carry me through the trials and tribulations... To a certain extent it did, but for a large part it failed me terribly... I've come to learn (actually I knew that long ago) that no matter how smart a person is, if you never put in effort, then most probably you won't go far... And that's why I'm gonna stop right now, cos' its time to study again...
Discipline and Dilligence my friend... muahaha... find it hard to swallow that its coming from me? You better believe... As Sheryl Crow would sing,
"A little change... change... would do you(me) good..." Gaahh... that was some corny shit... hehehe...