my little angelitos...
I admit... sitting in front of the tv on weekday nights was never my cup of tea. But ever since channel 8 started showing the teen idol drama "The champion" or "任我遨游" which features lolitas ala Jeanette Aw, Felicia Chin, Fiona Xie *nose bleed...* and the hot china girl, Xiao Qiao *shiitt, someone get the tissue quick!!!* I've been glued to my sofa ever since. Not even revisions for exams can stop me from getting my 60mins kick out of watching them spew corny lines and the oh-so-predictable plot of how usual teen idol dramas would go... hahaha... C'mon! as the saying goes "酒翁之意不在於酒" you should know where the focus of the show will be at right? *hurhurhur* I must say the eye candy is more than enough to cover the paper thin plot, who cares about the plot anyway??! Just imagine Fiona Xie and the China hottie running down orchard road in bikinis... wooo!!! power lah brudda...
(PS: I'm not a 怪伯伯... muahahaha... )
(PSX2: I think my title rocks... flesh and splash... geddit???! wahahaha)
I wanna watch!! argh!!!
haha, ch8 getting more & more despo for viewership? jialats man~~~
fiona xie is disgusting and off putting. she looks like a bitch, whore, slut, bimbo, tramp all rolled into one!!
if i saw her in real life i might just slap her!!
Mr Ed
oh, and the story is so bloody lame. in the very first episode when they were swimming 50m butterly, the winner swam 26.2s and the other girl swam 26.3s! let's just say that they can be world champions already! KNN! some credibility please?!?!! what the fuck is wrong with these ppl?! this show is a cheap flesh parade! don't act act swimmer lah! cheebye! angry only!
Mr Ed
eh ed, the show obviously is hang goat head, sell dog meat lah, you understand the chinese translation? pple watch is becos of the chio bus, who cares abt whether its abt swimming or not? like most of the guys out there, i dun give a shit man... ahahaha... and fiona xie not disgusting ok... she's hoottt... *wooo*
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