Saturday, August 13, 2005


I actually managed to finish an entire book "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown. A first in my entire life! Thanks to all the free time I had in camp. Bloody achievement, this is. Mighty fine book I say.

I bought it at changi airport before I was due to fly off to Shanghai, thinking I will have all the time in the world to finish it. How wrong I was. Free time was mostly spent exploring Shanghai on foot, and taking plenty of crap pictures which I have yet to post online. Plus, I could take the laptop home where I had internet access so I downloaded MSN messenger and caught up with the people back home into the wee hours.

I thought the book had somewhat of an anti-climax ending but I kinda half expected it anyway. When can we ever solve the mysteries surrounding the origins of religion? One thing which I liked about the book was that it throws up questions about Christianity and looked at it from a different perspective. A most welcomed change I must say. So many what ifs? What if the bible was all a pack of lies? What if the bible was fabricated by historians who want people to see things their way? In fact, as mentioned in the book, history is biased. Historians write the history of the world according to the way they perceive. How true. So can we say history is objective? Unfortunately, it never was, and never will be. People will always want to portray their history in the best possible light, regardless of what might have happened otherwise.

Buy 4D people, for I have actually finished reading a book for the first time ever!

It was dad's birthday. 12th August 2005. We went to this Tung Lok restaurant in Liang court for dinner buffet, and it was agreed that the bill be split between me and my sis, pris. The food was ok only, but the bill was quite expensive at $38+++ per head. What was interesting though, is that I actually ate half... urmm ok I lied! quarter of a fried wasabi prawn, much to the amazement of everyone at the table. Even my goodfornothing sister (not to be confused with my elder sis, pris) remarked at how I dared to put my golden tongue on that horrible tasting piece of prawn. Sheesh, it didn't taste that bad. But I'm just gonna take things slow, cos I ain't wanna puke like no merlion ya see? not a pretty sight...

Buy TOTO people, for I friggin' ate... prawns?! laughable it may seem to you... not to me though.

I was always thinking that my reservist PC resembles some really bad actor whenever he opens his mouth and talk, until another fella points out to me that he is indeed pierre png (yes... cringe people) in disguise. Hahaha... For an idea of how my PC sounds like, just tune in to Channel 8 7pm TV serial and keep your ears peeled for pierre's dialogue. "美人鱼,我要我的美人鱼!" Waaaa~ *pierre png whining*

Hahaha, and for the record, I don't watch that show. I don't even know whats it called.

Booya people!!!

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