Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Just came back from an interview held at NUSS Guild House. Where? Yeah, NUSS guild house for its alumnis. Pretty nice place though. I was wondering whether to go or not as I never apply to work at NUSS leh. But hell, just go lar. See what they can offer.

Anyway, as I was walking past the line of applicants doing their personality test, I couldn't help but sniggle at them, actually the guys only, cos' all of them look so nerdy boyz. Eh, that one was my new hairstyle say one. Bwahaha. In that time, I had almost instantaneously thought up of a script already. Slapstick comedy the stephen chow way. Bob, told you already... wasted lar, should shoot a mini movie soon with the bunch of guys. All of us are blardy talented comedy actors man.

Yah, at the briefing apparently got one scholar come. Ask me why? I don't know. Also got one very cocky looking (nerdy) guy. From the way he carries himself to the way he talks... it just reeks of cockiness! Haolian kia! Puii!!!

Okay, so I came to the interview thinking it was for a sales and marketing position which I had applied for. But little do I know that it turned out to be a application for a financial services consultant, or financial planner... whatever you call it. Bakero! Waste my time lar! If I had wanted to be a financial planner then I go study business degree for fark?! Blardy waste of my time and money right? Learn so much things at school just to be financial planner?! o_O"

I don't mean to ridicule the profession per se. I have friends who are pursuing this line of work and people have the right to make their own choices. But to me, it just kinda defeats the entire purpose. It's like laying the foundations of a building swee swee then demolishing it to build another building... back to square one again.

Anyway, the guy was a sweet talker. It wasn't exactly an interview but more of a briefing. He kept us all in suspense, talking on the massive financial rewards and the intrinsic gains. Everybody was smitten. But when he ultimately dropped the bombshell, you could see the three lines dropping down from the side of everyone's faces. Well, not everyone I would say, but at least mine did. Still, I had the patience to sit down for another 20minutes before it finally all ended. But kudos to the guy lar, he said we all could take the briefing as an information session to dispel any negative notions about the profession. It did... in a way.

So it all ended well. I could take that as an apology from him. Hahaha. Otherwise, I would stuff the potato wedges up his nostrils for cheating me to come all the way down here.

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