Saturday, October 08, 2005

Sleepless in Seattle, err... I meant Singapore...

Shit, its 2:40am and I can't get to sleep yet. Don't know why... maybe it could have been the ice latte mocha (or was it ice mocha latte? o_O) I had after dinner with a few of my uni classmates at TCC millenia walk just now. But then again, caffeine never had any effect on me to begin with. I can drink cup after cup of coffee but when you pass me a management textbook to read, I can snooze like a log even before I even realised what happened.

Rick Price's "If you were my baby" is playing in my realplayer right now... for the nth time. The stillness in this quiet night made me thought about the many "what ifs" in life. I will most probably never know what might happen if I had taken that one route over the others. But that is life. It is about making choices and having to bear the consequences of your decisions. I must be content with what I have now, and strive to better what I have achieved thus far. Career wise, I'm definitely at the crossroads. Should I be picky, choose selectively and wait out for that much desired job? Or should I just hantam and go for a decent one? After all, if you never try, you'll never know whether you like that job or not.

I suddenly remembered reading this article in the straits times forum that this parent was complaining that her son suddenly revealed to her that he wanted to become a christian after joining the seemingly innocuous boy's brigade ECA.

Since when did the ECA become an avenue for people to practice evangelism? This is just soooo friggin' wrong man. The ministry of education should seriously partake an inquiry board on this man. How ethical is it to indoctrinate impressionable young minds into believing what is right and what is wrong? Are they really mature enough to think for themselves yet? Or should they just cast that issue aside? Afterall, they're only teenagers what. They should be enjoying the springtime of youth (like what rock lee would say in naruto). Hahaha.

So, be like me and my bunch of buddies from Anglican High School mah. Ironic huh, coming from a chinese medium christian secondary school. We never get swayed by anybody loh. We HAVE a mind of our own. Haha, actually it is more accurate to say we can't be bothered back then. I still remembered everytime the pastor was asking the school assembly to give praise to thy lord Jesus Christ *mock mr. slave's voice* , me and my good friend malau would be tearing at each other's hair to the misbelief of the people sitting around us. Hahaha, now THAT is growing up for you.


gracie said...

hey you know what? i had TCC's coffee drink and i was stuck on my bed till early hrs of the morning. yeah, understand how that feels!

Anonymous said...

yoz, dat day after i went home, i wanted 2 sleep but end up toking w u on msn till 2am... n i still had 2 work e next day...

yes u r rite abt youths
Enjoy the Spring of Youth.. becos Youth is Explosive!!!