After work drinks at Eskibar along circular road. This place is fast becoming the place to be at for me whenever I feel like having a drink. Eh wait, when was I ever an alcoholic in the first place? Hmm... Don't know leh. I've been there for like 3 times already since I started working 2 weeks ago and though it didn't seem that frequent, bear in mind I still haven't drawn my salary yet and I think I've already spent quite a fair bit on drinks there.
Oh yeah, I've been getting compliments from quite a number of people who say that I look more yandao now... HAHAHAHA!!! Damnn... *smug look*
By the way, it was fun that night, had lotsa beer and shooters for all those present. Looks like I'm still the most sober among them after 3 rounds. Pam was wasted though, her loud mouthed ah lian-ish antics and her verbal sparring with me giving way to the manipulation of alcohol on her sanity. *Burrrpp*
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