Friday, January 27, 2006
My sister the b!tch...
For someone who has already started earning her own income more than a year ago, I've yet to see her spend her own money to treat the family for a nice dinner, except for that rare once or twice with mum and dad only.
I'm not so calculative as to remember how many times has she actually treated the family to a meal, but as a sensible and mature adult, being part of the family unit has its fair share of responsibility. Apparently, she fails or refuses to recognize that fact.
For starters, she never pays any of her personal bills except her own handphone bills, which is like free money to singtel because hardly anyone calls her at all!!!? Still she insists on buying new fancy models whenever they come out. May I honestly ask: "For fuck?"
Its really ok with me if she uses her own money to buy, but what-the-hell she actually still has the cheek to ask my parents to sponsor a part of it?! And the fact that she still asks money from my parents every now and then makes my blood boil, despite giving them family allowances. That means, she give some, then she take back some. Most of the time, she stashes her money away in her own private account which I suspect can rival the sultan of Brunei's soon. In the end, I ask myself, give for fuck??! might as well don't give lah!!! nia hia!!
Anyway back to today's story, we just had a reunion dinner with my sis as per previous years, before she goes back to malaysia for chinese new year. So my good-for-nothing sister as usual buay paiseh don't know how to write the word shameless tag along lah. Then as usual, she just eats like the pig she always is and heck care the bill lah. But nehmind, I wasn't expecting her to pay anyway.
So at the end of the dinner when its time to pay the bills, I couldn't resist taking a shot at her. In the end, I didn't see her forking out the money, but I sure felt shiok as hell. It was money worth paying. LOL!
Friday, January 20, 2006
ONE good reason why anyone should take public transport
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Backdated X'Mas party 2005 pix

The calm before the storm... where everyone was all smiles and havin' a ball of a time...
Everything changed within a blink of an eye. The knives were out for the slaughter. My nightmare is about to begin...
It's a futile resistance, kiat... for the vultures are circling above you...
Uuuhhh... urrgghhh... Is kenny khoo kah kiat about to puke??! Everyone waits with abated breath at this once-in-a-lifetime moment... For your info, I didn't, though I felt like shit the next day...
Apparently, the guys didn't quite have enough fun, so its back to the drawing board again... Hell bent on killing me, aren't those dirty lil' bastards?!
One... Two... THREE!!! HE'S OUT!!! He's knocked out cold!!!
Perfect moment for a Kodak picture, complete with helmet and windbreaker on unsuspecting victim. So much for having friends who've known you since primary 3... *sigh*
Monday, January 16, 2006
Found a good way to sleep on the job: by hiding out in the well maintained toilet cubicle in the office building. Nice aircon to boot, though it can freeze your ass off sometimes. LOL. The walls are narrow enough to lean your head against either side, and the seats are almost always clean and shiny. WoOt!!!
On a side note, Japanese women are so polite, well mannered and considerate to others. To me, they've already scored 80% of my otherwise strict and sometimes unrealistic criteria. And did I mention one of the things I look out for in girls is in the way how they treat seemingly "insignificant" people around them e.g. cleaners and waiters? Yeah baby, that's right.
But before that, let me finish learning my basic japanese first before I try to pick up some japanese chicks... hurhurhur...
Friday, January 13, 2006
Friendster is KEWL!
Anyways, I was playing around with my friendster profile when the next screen appears like this... asking you to invite your millions of friends to come view your newly updated profile,
Needless to say, I found it all very amusing. Why? Self explanatory from the caption above lah. hahaha...
But... I still like friendster anyhows cos they can let me fulfill my voyeuristic tendencies and also let me know who has been stalking me online as well! Weee~~
On another note, my secondary school friend Glenn Wee is getting married soon, which is like next weekend?! Wtf... very fast loh, I think he is the fastest among my friends who is going to tie the knot at such an insanely early age. And I remembered the last time I met him was like a year plus ago, he was still single back then. I just hope he didn't "bang bang bang" his way to marriage though, hahaha... even though he displayed certain undesirable tendencies back then. Anyway, he was nice enough to invite me, more so remember me even though it's been a year or so. I always wanted to meet up with him for a meal all these while, but somehow it just slipped my mind every now and then. Yeah, constant procrastination too...
Oh well, time to unwind for the weekends and let's hope it doesn't rain on us for sunday soccer! I'm itching!
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Baptism of Fire
As usual I started quite jittery, but soon I learnt to compose myself and began explaining to them what I have learnt over the course of the past few weeks, mainly on the technical aspect of my job consisting of terms from the field of polymer science which would have bored anyone to death easily. I'm serious! But having said all that, it directly affects my rice bowl and so when one has a motivation to learn new things, however boring they are, he/she would put effort into it. And that explains why I flunked my chemistry back in secondary school, hahaha, because there was absolutely no point in doing it, except to pass the examinations, that is!
Not everything about my presentation was perfect lah, and while I certainly don't like people to point out my mistakes openly (hell, who does?!), but I accept that it is because I had genuinely misunderstood the concepts at hand and appreciate the fact that they correct me on the spot. In the corporate world, one has to be humble and accept it as part of the learning process. Respect for seniority still ranks high in certain corporate culture, and I was not about to break that. Afterall, their intention weren't to put down me or anything to that extent. It was for my own good.
We had a mini-celebration of sorts through dinner at Jumbo seafood restaurant at clarke quay. Supposedly it was to 'celebrate' the end of my technical training. Wah, so big shot neh me... I certainly don't deserve lah. But then again, it may be an excuse for them to drink alchohol like nobody's business. Hahaha. And it certainly looks that way from the amount of wine bottles and beer jugs that were opened.
Argh, head still feels dizzy from the many proposed toasts from the table. Damn, they're a hard drinking lot I tell you.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Commercial songs that you absolutely luurrvee
As far as I could remember, only 3 songs have actually caught my attention. Firstly, it was the song from one of the SWATCH tv adverts from the 90s when it was, I think close to the olympic games. But in which exact year and city I forgot lah. I only know Beijing will be hosting 2008 though, hahaha. Anyway, I eventually found out the song was titled "Breathe" by this really obscure singer by the name of Midge Ure. And back then, my irc meimei Jo was so sweet to buy it for me, in exchange for the Arkana CD I gave her. Hahaha... *cringe*
Second song was Enya's "Anywhere Is". I actually heard this song on a cab while rushing to school (secondary) because I was late. As fate would have it that I come across this song, it also represents the start of my avid following of Enya till today.
Last but not least, the most recent song to have caught my fancy was this song, or rather clip that goes with the Soo Kee Jewellery advertisment. The intensity that this advert was shown in TV meant that I would have many chances to try to decipher who was the singer behind it. Despite countless attempts to type out the exact lyrics drew a blank on most lyrics websites, I still kept trawling through many other sources until the muzak guru Jo (yes, my irc meimei... haha...) told me to give up cos' it may just well be one of the many one-off song clips that unknown artistes do for advertisements like these. I gave up completely after that. Cos whatever she say must be right.
Muzak guru leh... adoi!!!
Thursday, January 05, 2006
There are so many goddamnit stuffs I wanna buy!!! But I'm saddled by the debt from my study loan which I hope to clear as soon as possible, so I had to set aside like close to 40% of my pay to pay up the dues. Must have discipline! But the lure from the PS2s, PSPs, ipod nanos, braun buffels and samsonites are proving too hard to resist. And not to mention, if I were to finally passed my 2A, I would die die wanna upgrade to super 4 spec III. Wah liew... I think I need to moonlight as bouncer at Ministry of Sound or sell backside at geylang already. Hahahaha...
Anyway, finally treated my dysfunctional family to dinner at Jumbo East Coast tonight. Bloody feast it was, I asked them not to be shy as laoban (me) is giving treat for the first time. They didn't order crab initially, then I jit tao shoot them.
Me: "Eh, we come so far to east coast eat seafood, then you didn't order their famous sri lankan crab, might as well go back our kopitiam order zichar lah! same what! don't be crazy leh! Order lah!!! Aduh!"
Everyone at table stunned a while, then started to order crabs... -_-"
Like limpeh cannot afford like that! "怕什么??老子有的是钱!!!哇哈哈哈!!!"
And then, there was still some more food left on the table. Seeing that nobody wanted to make a move to finish up the food, I remarked...
Me: "Wah lau, never finish up the food means don't give limpeh 面子 leh! I first time treat you all lidat, win already loh!"
Then when they 乖乖 eat already I said...
Me: "Better savour your food slowly, cos' the next time I treat might be 10 years down the road..."
Mom: "Wah, how come leh?"
Me: "Joking lar... you think I am so kiam siap meh??? WAHAHAHA!!!"
Everyone laughs heartily. Muahahaha...
By the way, I had lunch with bob, doong and daniu today. Who was to think that many years down the road, so many of us would work together in the same shenton way area today? It certainly had an awkward but nice feel to it because we were perhaps unaccustomed to seeing each other in prim and proper office wear, but the fact we are holding decent jobs and earning our own keep is something to be proud of.
Mmmkay, weekends are almost here... bear with it peeps!!!
Sunday, January 01, 2006
WELCOME 2006!!!
Anyway, maybe I should do a review of the year 2005 and look at what life's lessons have taught me which I should drill it in myself so that mistakes don't ever repeat themselves again. But then again, its too bloody long and I don't think I want to rake up the past. It would seem that I'm still bothered by those things and can't forget what has happened. Truth is, I still do, but only to serve as a reminder and nothing else.
Went partying out with the guys and gals at Ministry of Sound (MoS). My virgin trip there, and I was blown off by the look and feel of the place. Even though I'm no hardcore clubber, personally speaking, I feel MoS can thrash longtime favourite Zouk anytime. Looks like the clubbing scene is gonna hot up, especially if it is true that reports say the popular Cafe Del Mar franchise is coming up here in Singapore in the near future.
Anyway, the place was friggin' packed and when I say packed, I mean the whole dancefloor was filled to the brim, hardly any space for moving about. Not to mention the queue outside, pure madness. People have been queuing for like 4 hours and still haven't managed to get in. If I were them, I would have gone home and sleep. Lucky for us, we got the tickets earlier a few days before so it was pretty fast as there's another separate queue for us.
That's all for this new year's first entry.
Here's wishing you all a great 2006 ahead!
* P.S Thanks to Terry for his postcards from Berlin! According to him, its a local tradition to send postcards from the places he visited. Accepted with many thanks! much appreciated! Happy new year to you my son! and every success for your coming examinations!