The calm before the storm... where everyone was all smiles and havin' a ball of a time...
Everything changed within a blink of an eye. The knives were out for the slaughter. My nightmare is about to begin...
It's a futile resistance, kiat... for the vultures are circling above you...
Uuuhhh... urrgghhh... Is kenny khoo kah kiat about to puke??! Everyone waits with abated breath at this once-in-a-lifetime moment... For your info, I didn't, though I felt like shit the next day...
Apparently, the guys didn't quite have enough fun, so its back to the drawing board again... Hell bent on killing me, aren't those dirty lil' bastards?!
One... Two... THREE!!! HE'S OUT!!! He's knocked out cold!!!
Perfect moment for a Kodak picture, complete with helmet and windbreaker on unsuspecting victim. So much for having friends who've known you since primary 3... *sigh*
Hahahahaaa omg poor you =P Damn, is it your camera or does Malau looks taller now?! It's been ages since I've last seen him...
terry: my frens are cool, but i am COOLER!
yanming: of cos not lah, he's still the same 'kateh' malau you knew from sec sch... hahahaa
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