Saturday, February 18, 2006

I'm quarter of a century old!

Yesterday was limpeh's 25th birthday. Yes, its a milestone worth mentioning. The fat boy has finally turned quarter of a century old. Time indeed flies very fast neh. Looking back on the year past by, it was a watershed period in my life in some ways. Most notably is finally graduating from the school of hard knocks, and straight into the cauldron of the realities of life.

Anyways limpeh would like to thank the many people who have crossed my path. While I enjoyed good times with most people, a few left a sour aftertaste. Nonetheless, both played a part in enriching my experience on the journey of life. Respect.

To the peeps who remembered my birthday yesterday (you know who you are), asked me out and sent limpeh well wishes from sms-es to cards and presents, thanks a lot. I really appreciate that, even though I didn't show it openly cos limpeh is a MAN whose tears and emotions doesn't bounce easily (chinese translation). MUAHAHA... don't wanna list out names here in case people say I prejudiced or biased. Hehe... but if you wish your name to appear on my *ahem* popular blog, please do kindly drop a note and I will see to it that it will be done. =)

On another note, I finally transferred my beloved pwantom gina to this swimming coach by the name of Henry. Nice guy and all, was glad it didn't fell into the hands of anyone else. Hahaha. No more phantom at my carpark whenever I cast my eyes out of the window. But soon, a new bike will take its place. Hehehe... Oh goody goody... *rubs hands in glee*

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