Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The seeds have been sown...

That night as I watch intently before the TV, I sensed that the incumbent in my GRC was there for the taking, and Sylvia and her merry men would be the party poopers for PAP. But when the results were being announced, I felt so lost. The worker's party had lost by a close margin, by far the best result in the elections and thus enabling them to nominate a NCMP from their ranks. To me, quite useless lah, no vetoing power one the position. Its like putting you there just to let you make some noise only.

But hopefully it will serve as a platform for Sylvia to earn some valuable experience and mount a serious assault in the next GE. And how many times must I say that we need people like her to speak out against some of the dubious decisions made by the government? To make matters worse, my sister was gloating at me after the PAP win and at that moment, I seriously wanted to attempt a roundhouse kick on her.

This GE was the first time I had really taken an active interest in politics. It has made me realise that politics is a dirty game. There can only be one victor, and the vanquished are sometimes crushed so badly that they can't even stand up straight. Talking about freedom of speech, the ban on political podcasts on the web, and the seemingly lopsided views our newspapers (including the trusted "Straits Times") stood by. It has come to an extent that you can't help but doubt the credibility of the news article you are reading. Yes, however I will still continue to read my Straits times subscription on my toilet bowl every morning without fail. But the saving grace is thanks to independent blogs like SGRALLY and ELECTIONRALLY, citizen reporting from the field has brought a balance of what is reality in our heartlands - So that you are in a better position to pass a judgement on the political landscape in Singapore.

Remember, YOU have a choice.

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