Heh. Finally got rid of my Samsung X820 ultra edition 6.9 for a paltry sum of S$120. I only had it for like less than a year, and look how the phone value dropped
(even faster than my pants when I have to take a hugeass crap! HAHA!!!). Oh well, better than nothing. That phone lacked the punch where the styling and looks had promised so much, but failed to deliver where it mattered the most - functionality and battery life. The latter was the final straw which had me throwing up my hands in resignation over what could possibly be done over it. That was when I saw this baby - The Sony Ericsson K810i in the sony mid-year catalogue.
There was to be a promotional S$200 off the U.P. of US$568 for a limited time only! I wasted no time in deciding that I had to trash my X820 for this baby. Thus, I am happy to say now that I'm a proud owner of this gem of a phone, even though I had it for less than 2 days. =D
Anyways haven't been blogging for a while now cos' of work. Just wanna let you guys know that I'm in great
(round) shape from the nourishing of love. *
blush* Everything's looking up now, and it can only get better!!!
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