Sometimes I don't know what I want, really. I view the world as one big pile of mess. It is imperfect, yet alluring in some ways. You will fumble your way around, hit obstacles that impede your progress. But you'll pick yourself up eventually, and find your place in the grand scheme of things. Ecstasy? You bet.
Sunday, December 28, 2003
Met up at a swiss restaurant for jz's birthday treat... i also had the opportunity to meet up with one of my ex-classmates shuu jen whom i have not seen since graduating from AHS... my... she's grown so different (for the prettier of cos) so much so that i almost couldnt recognise her at first sight...The bunch of us had lots of fun and laughter catching up on the good old days, while slowly sipping teh tarik on a breezy cool night... we could have gone on till dawn i swear... and by the way, a word of thanks to angeline for the christmas gift... it was very nice of you... really appreciate it... =)
Err... this one with me in it... hahaha... cos' bob post the exact same photo as me... twert...
Friday, December 26, 2003
Christmas day dinner with a few of my FDS mates... some of the very few nice people in my unit who don't complain at having to do an extra detail or two during duty, which is a rarity since most people whine and sulk after being arrowed to do tasks outside of their job scope. It is always reassuring to know that these are the people who are ever willing to give you a hand, whether in times of peace or of war... NS life is definetely more meaningful with people like them around... minus the cb kias of cos...
Wednesday, December 24, 2003
Its Christmas eve, but it has never really been an occasion for me to celebrate. One, partly because i'm no christian. Two, i never really got into the mood of the festive season (depends)... and three, i HATE crowds!!! I can still remember squeezing through masses and masses of bodies on orchard road... some nice (ahh yes... hehe...*wink wink*) and some downright smelly... yes... blangas!!! hahaha... As much as i would like it, i prefer christmas eve or whatever festive occasion to be a pretty much quiet affair... quality time spent with your close friends or loved ones... nothing like a good meal and just chill out... it's the simple pleasures in life that i seek... its not too much right?
Friday, December 19, 2003
My beloved Liverpool FC is falling apart... the team is playing badly in all compeitions and it is not helped by the fact that injuries have dented any hopes of a revival of any sorts... the year 2001 when they won all 5 cups in spectacular fashion is nothing but a false dawn... tough times have befallen a team still basking in its past year glories and helmed by a manager who politically assuring words promises so much but failed to achieve when it matters most... fans are sick of hearing words like "We're turning the corner soon"or"The season has not yet begun for us"... Think of it another way, it provides much needed humour amidst the gloom surrounding the crestfallen club... Signings that were to usher in a golden era for the club turn out to be its harbringer of death... its all too obvious... i couldn't help laughing when a sports journalist from the papers described Heskey as "the 11 million pounds striker who couldn't strike and El-Hadji Diouf who is a bag of tricks, but more often than not, he succeeds only in fooling himself..." hahahaha... couldn't have been more apt...
Meanwhile in the make-believe world of soccer in Championship manager 4, i will make sure the rest of you guys... bob, malau, doong and ah hui kisses no-where-else-but mine and liverpool's ass... no need for trash talks... el hadji diouf and heskey will haunt you people in virtual world and to you malau... selling diego forlan to me might yet be the biggest mistake of your life... and when he rips your entire defence apart to score, don't come crying to me and tell me you want him back... dream on sucka!!!
Sunday, December 14, 2003
I admit i have this thing for war movies... i've just finished Band of Brothers on Channel 5... which is by far the best thing they've ever done for people like me... i just can't get enough of war movies... you name it, i've seen it... And everytime the show ends, i will confirmed be overwhelmed by the rush of patriotism surging through each and every nerve in my body. So much so I will make a dash to my wardrobe, pull out my beloved number 4 which has gone through thick and thin with me for 2 and a half years, dust it and take a looonng hard smell at it... aahhh it never felt fresher... okay i made up the last bit... hahaha... I lament the vocation which i was assigned during my NS days... not to discredit my unit but it was definitely not how i wanted to serve my NS. NS to me should be tough as shit, otherwise one don't need to bother serving NS cos' Singapore don't need no wussies running around... The government's not helping things either by giving a poor cover up for the recent issue regarding the 'white horse' status of people from the upper echelons of society. I would have signed on with the army if not for my eyesight, and tried to improve in my own little way the inadequacies and flaws of 'the system'... after all, in order to change, you need to be part of the change itself and all things will start from scratch... however ardous they might be... and maybe hope that in time to come, people can see what you have done for them...
To the men of 'Easy' company, i salute you...
Monday, December 08, 2003
Wah liew... this past week i have not been sleeping well... over my results of cos'... what else? And when all is finally revealed through the student portal just moments ago, i let out a sigh of relief... not exactly what i wanted (which is 2 distinctions and 2 credits) but i scored 3 credits and 1 pass... with the lousiest grade coming from MOR... kinda expected it anyway... but i'm just glad i didn't flunk it... or else it is a hefty $1k i have to pay for each subject... bloody daylight robbery i say... PHEW!!! so now... i can finally cast everything aside and play to my heart's content... Just Bring It!!!
Yesterday as i was sitting on the bus home after soccer, i overheard a conversation from this bunch of pimply faced nerdy secondary school girls... it seems to me the whole talk was about their academic pursuits... and there was this very irritating fat cheena speaking girl who just can't stop talking, or rather bragging about how smart she is and how she got into a top school... great... just when i needed a quick nap on the ride home... what astound me was how she so unashamedly asked one of her friends how she landed up in geylang methodist secondary school instead... how i bloody wanted to say to her: "Hey fat girl... whats your f***ing problem? just becos you got into a top school doesn't mean it gives you the right to bring down others..." This inadvertently highlights another social problem... kids nowadays are so academically inclined that they lack the necessary social skills to interact with people around them, i.e. they are simply not sensitive enough to how people feel... they are careless with their words and don't give a shit to what's happening outside their books... Wait, i can relate all this to one person... yes, thats right, my good-for-nothing sister!!! Arrrgghh... my blood is starting to boil again... how could such people survive in society??!
Sunday, December 07, 2003
This is to inform you guys out there... my current email address: will no longer be in use with effect from 1st Jan 2004, so please kindly make the necessary adjustments... my new email address will be ... looking forward to hearing from you people there...
Friday, December 05, 2003
Sad times for singapore soccer... not that its the first time such things are happening to the Lions... lost 2-0 to myanmar and then few days back, to our brudders across the causeway... by the same scoreline too... the singapore soccer scene is in da pits man... the future is bleak... and it is not helped by the fact that players show no commitment and take for granted their places in the national squad... if only they show as much passion as i do during my weekly sunday soccer sessions... hahaha... all those trash talk of making it for GOAL2010... Kana sai!!! Puiii!!!! i say go back to the basics lah... start by strengthening the mental fitness of the players... i mean just look at how the Lions or pussycats if you prefer, decapitate themselves once so often... No doubt i can see some glimmer of technical abilities in the side but if you're weak mentally, you'll get slaughtered no matter how skilfull you are... haiii... the more i say the more sad i am.... just exactly when was the last time our national side produced something decent to show to us fans? Yes... eons ago... when the likes of fandi, sundram, and abbas were still around... how i miss the glory days... ah damnnit... i'll go collect the money i won from betting on malaysia... err... did i just mention i betted on malaysia? hehehe... when it comes to betting... logic and reasoning comes first before the heart says anything... thats why my wallet is fatter with a few more bucks now... who can complain?
Thursday, December 04, 2003
" I'm lovin' it! " takes on a whole new meaning...
Friday, November 28, 2003
Wah liew... i've just finished the straits times life! section... there was this weekly article on the latest album releases... they've got britney, they've got kylie, they've got texas and they've got tori ... but why in the holy name of khoo kah kiat is there no Sarah??!! huh???! someone from ST give me an answer please??? are you telling me the album is so bad it is not even worth mentioning?? whatever happened to your tastebuds??? Music critics will forever be music critics, good at finding fault in others but always fail to find fault with themselves... come to think of it, its good that they didn't review the album... i would have been even more pissed with what they have to say about "my precious" (mock Gollum's voice from LOTR) Sarah... hahaha... now now... i'm not saying i'm a Sarah fanatic (well... halfway there actually...) but people should know a good thing when they come across one...
Wahaha... finally... i've jumped onto the broadband bandwagon... signed up for starhub's maxonline plan... i must say i'm very fascinated by its speed, cos you see... i was still using my pacnet 56kps like just yesterday... now you can understand? good... there's no way i was going to pass up this offer they're having now... imagine getting a FREE BenQ (okay not so impressive) digital camera and a all-in-one HP printer with a total worth more than $600... how coooollll is that??! Adios dialup forever and say hello to broadband power!!! There is NO looking back now... ...
Monday, November 24, 2003
Last 2 days were 'action-packed'... haha... really... on saturday night, me, jizheng, bob got into Zouk for free with compliments from ah hui and his two friends... the music sucks, not that i know a lot about it but its nice to unwind with music that gets you going... it obviously didn't happen to the guest dj from germany that night, what was his name? if i remember correctly, its timo maas or something like that... boycott him... haha... but i think the highlight of the night was witnessing the drinking prowess of ah hui... f*** man, this guy is hard core, this 'basketball' drink he downed that night is so potent its almost like poison... i can't even stand a whiff of it... okay abit exaggerating here but the smell is so bloody strong it pierces you like a thousand knives... plus the way he sets the drink on fire is so friggin' intimidating i turned down the request to even try it... all hail da' man-whore!!! thats what we call him... haha...
It was only until 3am that we've finally got to bob's place to bunk over for the night as we're all playing soccer tomorrow morning at 8am... slept for 3 hours or so before i got up instinctly at the break of dawn... it always happen to me... Whenever i'm playing soccer, i always get up before the alarm wakes me up... but it's the other way round for school... the alarm gets me up before i get to it... even though i get more than 7 hours of sleep before that... strange... i'm totally energized for soccer albeit the exhaustions of yesterday night... football never fails to perk me up... A whole bunch of us headed to our usual haunt for lunch after soccer where i got a whole lot of stick for writing the innocuous few words on my Friendster account. In it, i list backpacking as my hobbies... thats where all the nonsense come flying in... starting from who-else-but-the-fatass-Doong... While its true i've never ever backpacked before, it's not wrong to say i like to backpack either... it was never in my intention to present what i'm not to others who might not know me well... i am who you see, i am what you get and i do not hold back what i want to say... So, in the words of koh chink egg, i'm not your rugged outdoor hunk as he would otherwise like to call me... hahaha... friggin' feel like bashing him up now... to set the record straight once and for all, i am not a poser and i hate bloody posers who spruce up and fake their resumes to appear favourable and more desirable to people... as some might say, its not a perfect world out there... these very people bear testament to that...
And yeah, the day didn't end there, even though i was constantly on the receiving end of the taunts from my friends, i very much believe it was all in the name of good fun... it was great hanging out with these bunch of people whom i've grew up with since secondary school days, each more or less have a part to play in shaping who i am today...
I also met up with my jc mates at lau pa sat for dinner in the evening after an hour's nap from the tiring soccer game in the morning... very much a simple affair, had a nice meal and we walked around the boat quay and clarke quay area... we also saw the reverse bungee jump where idiots from around the country pay a hole in their pocket to have themselves scared shitless ( or maybe bored to some ) for a minute and perhaps spray their meals over the unsuspecting crowd gawking at them below... Oh Yes!!!... how i would love to see the puke rain on them... imagine gooey shit and noodle strands hanging from people's head... hahahaha... freakin' sadist am i? it would be a sight to behold... no doubt about it... but i don't think these wussies would be hanging up there in the first place, right?
Friday, November 21, 2003
First day learning a bike today... went to buy a helmet cos' i do not want to use the stinkin' helmets from the centre... and horror of all horrors, the shop selling the helmet doesn't have my size... f***... just great... what a way to start my first lesson... and so i tried choosing a helmet that doesnt stink as much, Guess what? its as good as not choosing at all... all the stinkin' helmets are moist and smelly... god knows who wore them before me - the unfortunate soul did... Believe me, they really S T I N K... the moment i got home, i washed my silky hair over and over again till i've convinced myself it smells nice again... I don't want to be put through the trauma again... it was most harrowing for me... i'm going to get myself a clean and nice helmet the next time i go for my lesson... speaking of which, it feels great riding a bike... but what i didn't know was how freakin' heavy the 125cc bike weighs... almost came toppling over me i swear... but i learnt fast on how to get the bike going and changing gear... however not good enough to clear the lesson... Darn!!!... damn bike... i'm going to ride and conquer you next week... hehe...
Tuesday, November 18, 2003
Just finish watching R.E.M's music dvd... Michael Stipes really can't dance even if his life depends on it. In the music video for " Losing my religion ", i would want to believe he was really dancing... as far as my memory serves me well, i could not recall any lead singers from bands dancing like... John Travolta??! haha... you know what i mean... rock band singers shouldn't even be dancing in the first place!!! Anyway it was bloody funny just looking at Stipes flails his hands all over the place and his simulated beating of the drum action... he keeps on doing the same few actions over and over again... it's getting on my nerves i tell you, i just feel like "Losing my sanity" ...
Sunday, November 16, 2003
I can't seem to get Kylie Minogue's "Slow" out of my head... i keep playing it over and over again on my pc... i've lost count of it... really... hahaha... it's sooo catchy... makes you wanna groove along to it...
By the way, i found this extract from an email sent to me... have a read...
"A woman has the last word in any argument.
Anything a man says after that is the
beginning of a new argument."
I thought that was really funny... but its pretty true at the same time too...
People say men are from mars and women are from venus... i couldn't agree more... we guys just have to live with it... just like the women have to put up with us guys too... remember, we are just as strange to them as much as we guys thought they are in the first place...
Saturday, November 15, 2003
Finally finished all the theory lessons and the compulsory 2 trial tests for my bike course... all these within a space of one week... really taxing... imagine having to sit through some of the really redundant theory classes on traffic road signs and stuffs... hello? i've already got my class 3 leh... somebody should do something about class 3 license holders getting exemption from certain lessons... they serve nothing more than a refreshment course for me... its not as if i needed it in the first place... So what's next for me? Practical lesson 1 starts next week and it goes in sequence... meaning you have to complete lesson 1 in order to book for lesson 2... let's hope i do not have to wait for weeks just to do one lesson, otherwise i'll not be able to meet my target of getting my license by the time school starts...
On another note, today i had the chance to really sit down and listen to Sarah McLachlan's latest offering "Afterglow" ( damn the rain, was supposed to play soccer in the afternoon ) On the whole, its not a bad album, a few good tracks to look out for: "Fallen", "Train Wreck" and "Answer"... 3 1/2 out of 5 stars! Still, it draws comparison to her previous album, not including Mirrorball which was not considered a proper EP... "Surfacing" wins hands down... really... just look at how many stunningly beautiful tracks the album alone produces... a song's success is not necessarily measured by the amount of commercial airtime it gets, but rather, how it connects with you... and it helps that she's got a beautiful voice to top it all off... excellent stuff i say...
All right its time to hit the sack... can't wait for tomorrow to come... what else could it be?? FUTBOL of cos!!!!
Wednesday, November 12, 2003
Taken during last sunday at my clan's enclave in chai chee... haha... like some triad association... it was my ss--sees--ter's ( damn i can't bring myself to call her my sister ) birthday... 21 years old already, can you believe it??!... but still none the wiser... or will she? Time will tell, but i'm not hopeful... yeah, that's my grandma, mum and dad with me and my elusive secret character sister for those of you curious as to how my sister looks like... by the way... i'm not responsible for cleaning up the puke you people leave behind on my blog... DO IT YOURSELF hor!!! haha... and by the way again, i say to you peeps, she doesn't look like me in long hair... any bugger who even whispers that in front of me again... god bless you... i'll make sure you won't live to see the sun rise another day...
Saturday, November 08, 2003
The morning after exams ended... damn it feels good... suddenly there seems to be a spring in my steps... haha... spend the earlier part of the day playing soccer at NUS... it's been a while since we last played together and it sure felt damn shiok... As i could see, most of us seems to be getting heavier around the waist after all the cram, eat and sleep exam lifestyle... time to keep in shape again... especially since my IPPT window opens next feb... but it's cool for me, you know... Its not as if i only train specifically for the occasion... i do my rounds religiously week in week out... so it's not a big deal...
And yeah... I finally registered for my motorbike theory lesson at Ubi driving centre, after all the procrastination in recent years... my mind was stuck between wanting to prolong my sad existence and seeking the convenience and freedom to go anywhere on my bike... it was only after a friend casually brought up the matter that i decided to give it another thought... Cost savings... well i haven't really done a detailed analysis yet but i suppose in the long run everything will even out... after all i'm spending close to $4 on public transport for a 2 way trip to and from school almost every other day and it obviously make sense to get my own transport and not having to compete with people for space on the bus and train... i'm someone who craves breathing space more than anything else... i hate to jostle with people and ending up having to smell someone's armpit if you know what i meant... With my own bike, i can go anywhere as and when i feel like it... hmmm... sounds freaking fun... come to think of it...
What about the issue on safety? Don't the accidents involving motorcyclists scare me one bit? Of cos' it freakin' scares me... given some deep thought on this matter.... should anything untowards happen to me... i may not have the chance to fulfill the role of a son to my parents... i'm so damn selfish in risking it all here... BUT i believe i am a responsible driver and will answer for my every actions... Hell... it's too early to say... i might not even afford to buy the bike i want, would only consider riding a scooter unless really no choice... haha... my mum's cool on me learning bike but there's abit of an objection from dad... for goodness sake i'm already 22 going on 23... Whatever it might be, you only live once, for me i am the sort who will try everything and anything (err... surely there'll be a few notable exceptions) at least once in my lifetime so that one day you can sit back on your favourite chair and tell the stories to your children, grandchildren, great grandchildren over and over again... sweet... it's time to live my life... what's yours?
Wednesday, November 05, 2003
Source: Nettwerk, 2003
It's out ... It's OUT!!!! the album's slated for release today November 4th but whether it's a worldwide release or only to North America, I ain't got a clue... but one thing's for sure... i'll be popping by HMV to check it out the first thing exams end on November 6th... can't wait no more... 1 more freakin' day of mugging and that's it!!!! MUAHAHAHA....
Monday, November 03, 2003
Was over at Marina Bay for Bob's birthday... it was smack right in the middle of my exams... wouldn't give two hoots if it was someone else's but it was the birthday of a cherished friend (not just any friend) who still bothered to keep in touch since secondary school days... and of cos' an ever present member of the swingin' singles club which he and i shared exclusive vetoing rights... hahaha... but for how long? It's anybody's guess... maybe we'll just have to relax the criteria abit lah... what say you? I don't wish to go Kwang Ming Shan leh... Er Guang shi di... heehee...
Saturday, November 01, 2003
Halfway through the exams... not too bad i guess... but somehow i always have the bad habit of slipping into the "near holidays" mood whenever the end's near... just couldn't wait, or could i?? aarrrgghhh i feel so guilty right now, just wasted 3 hrs playing Diablo II and yet to start revising on my next paper... wait... my stomach's growling... hell... i'm going to heat up the pizzas from yesterday night's first...
Saturday, October 25, 2003
If Singapore's attempted space program is anything to go by, this is the level of progress we've made so far... above picture shows an ape in routine training on a sophisticated machine...
Monday, October 20, 2003
This article "Are servicemen up to the job?" appeared in Straits Times forum last saturday dated 18th Oct 2003 by a certain Mr Koh Y M. To sum up, he said officers and specialists conducting the combat survival course were not to be blamed, as proper guidelines and procedures have been put in place regarding training safety regulations. He said the public should instead question the quality of servicemen... I can't take it lying down... i mean, what the f*** is wrong with this Mr Koh? He comes across to me as a very naive person with a highly elitist atitude... I feel i have to rebutt every single point he made regarding the incident which culminated in the death of the NSF from the simulated PoW training...
Firstly, with all due respect, Mr Koh(he himself declared ex-commando who went through similar training) should take into account the fact that SAF is made up of many individuals with varying levels of fitness and threshold for torture and like activities... what he could endure doesn't mean others could too... that is the reason why people like him go into commandos and others, like the most of his counterparts got into various less demanding combat vocations or support units... NS, for your info, was not meant to be a one size fits all system... and so who is he to question the abilities of fellow NS men?
Secondly, contrary to what he proclaimed in the article, officers and specialists conducting the exercise flouted the safety regulations... no one said it was necessary to dunk someone's head into the water excessively... if it was just meant to simulate, why push the act and punish the trainee even more? Now, i'm not saying this would translate the whole exercise into a mere whimper of its entirety... Yes, training SHOULD be tough, BUT it should also follow safety guidelines... Mr Koh, in his article quite obviously implied that it is not to be the case, given his training as a commando. However, i believe these 2 aspects can and will complement each other... SAF officers and specialists owe the people an explanation and therefore it is appropriate their heads should roll first... since it is their duty to return people's sons to parents at the end of the NS stint...
This above article was written by me from an objective perspective on the particular issue and should not be viewed as a personal attack on anybody, Mr Koh included. I hope to submit a proper write up to ST forum in the coming days... whether they publish my article... is for them to decide... i just want to give my two cents' worth...
Saturday, October 18, 2003
Last night was totally happening... what was supposed to be a normal supper of prata at simpang bedok turned out to be one helluva night... let me give you guys the lowdown on things... first... ahh... yess...mmmmhhh... cheese prata boom... powwweerrr i tell you guys... ( there goes the 6km run an hour before Doong suddenly jio me for supper... yes, i admit that i caved in to the pleas of my stomach... hahaha )
After our supper, i suggested going back to our dear old secondary school AHS where we spent so many wonderful memories together... it was not the end of the story... yet... We had parked our cars outside the main gate and walked in through an opening at the rubbish dump... we walked round the school and saw so many changes that it totally destroyed the rustic laid back setting of the school... no more spaces to run about and the old block of classrooms we used to study is gone... in place of it spanking new buildings rise up like nobody's business... don't even mention to me the basketball court i play my footie on every sunday... damn... why did they do that for??! its not as if the student population suddenly exploded like India or China... hehehe... now the charm of old AHS days only exists in my memory... if only digital cameras exist back then... it's kinda sad, to think of it...
However, our early morning exploration of the school grounds was not all peaceful and quiet... As we were walking towards where the old block used to stand... we saw a car parked in the middle of the lot of land in front of our All Saint's church... thinking some couple must have sneaked in to make out here, we were expecting some car shaking and misty windows... like titanic(the window part)... hahaha... how f***ing wrong we were... turned out to be a police car... dammnit we're in for it... naturally we got stopped for suspicion on "intended" criminal activities... apparently they have been staking out here to catch the culprit for some recent incidents they have every right not to tell us... This makes us prime suspects... after all, who would've expect 5 guys (met Jianzhi and Cilfton by chance at the prata shop) to be in the school compound at this time of the day (read: 0215hr)? We got questioned, IC numbers taken down, and searched for illegal possessions (whatever that might mean) But lucky lah, we don't have pai kia face, and they know we have no ill intent after hearing our explanation, so they finally let us go after some intense grilling...
As they escorted us out to the main gate, they requested to have our cars checked, and it was lucky Doong's dad who works as a carpenter doesn't have any chainsaw, hacksaw, drills or crowbar (you guys know what i meant) in his car boot, or else we'll have another round of explanation to do... hahahaha...
Since the night was still young (read time: 0245hr), Doong the family man suggested we go Changi V (??!) hahahaha... we said cool... and we were not to be disappointed... it was one of the best nights... the 'girls' there were just... in a word... HOT... hehehe... i'm telling you... they could put a lot of girls to shame... not that i prefer ah guas but they are quite... stunning... no offense to any girls out there...
And which brings me to my lecture mates... WHY DID YOU PEOPLE CHOOSE SUCH UGLY AH GUAS FOR RESEARCH!??!?! hahaha... still... however confusing their gender orientation are, we need to respect them as human beings and not some freaks... this was after what Adrian had told me which they revealed to him the things people do to them... whatever dignity they have was stampede on right to the very last bit... i think they deserve our sympathy too... after all, who's to say what's right or what's wrong?
Thursday, October 16, 2003
The worm problem's been solved... glad to say... so you people can set your minds at ease when you receive my mails... wait... i don't usually send emails very often... do i? Anyway... dropped by HMV yesterday to get the latest CDs by Dido and Cafe Del Mar... paid for by the hard earned money from tutoring this kid named Jordon??! Dang... he's every tutor's WORST nightmare i tell you... But let's talk abt da music instead... Dido's album was not too bad... i still think her "No angel" album was better... 3 out of 5 stars!!! As for Cafe Del Mar's latest offering... well... could be better... not that "chill out" as i would expect from the series... but at $24.95 for 2 CDs... who could refuse??!
Before i sign off, allow me to share with you this quote taken off David Letterman in Straits Times' Life! section a few days back... he said this of Arnie: " The LA Times accuses Arnold Schwarzenegger of groping six women. Six women. I'm telling you, this guy is presidential material. " Hahaha... damnit this guy takes the cake man... i fell off my chair as i was reading it...
Monday, October 13, 2003
Dammnit.. my outlook express is screwed... some bloody virus has got into my system... it keeps sending downloaded emails from my inbox and other god-knows-where-it-came-from mails ( infected attachments aka worms included ) to the people in my contact list... so PEEPS!!!! ATTENTION!!!!... PLEASE DO NOT OPEN any emails that might come from my account at ignore EVERY SINGLE email from me and delete immediately without delay... I will continue to keep you guys informed as to when everything's A OK again... meanwhile keep your eyes open...
Thursday, October 09, 2003
Supper prata at our usual haunt in simpang bedok… was the night before cadet Foo is due to report to his new camp for the very first time... awww... that lucky sob... still want to be NSPI somemore... whats wrong with wearing green??! Cheong sua is good... as i've always said... what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger... true what... right or not? huh? anyway take a look at this pics we've took... especially the way bob looks in the photo taken with me... damn funny... dunno whats gotten into him... f***... looked like some bloody idiot who've just escaped from a mental asylum... (actually he looks the same in both photos) Or is he trying too hard to be like MACHI didi? hehehe...
Monday, September 29, 2003
Went for a massage at Chinatown for the very first time under the recommendation of jizheng after soccer in the morning... arrived in the late afternoon to find jizheng's usual haunt full house... so we settled for a lesser known neighbour down the corridor... i know what you guys are thinking now... I WENT FOR A TRADITIONAL CHINESE MASSAGE... NOT THE SLEAZY MASSAGE PARLOUR YOU PEOPLE THOUGHT IT WAS... NO "SPECIAL"... NO PRETTY GALS... ONLY 3 EXPERIENCED UNCLES AND AUNTIE...
hahahaha.... was quite an experience... i kenna the grandmaster who literally and physically took my body apart... and likes to trash talk very much like my WWE hero, THE ROCK... the half an hour seem to drag on and on as he poked, whacked and squeezed my poor lifeless body, already limp from the strenuous soccer game earlier this morning... as i'm typing now, it still aches like shit... after that we went on an eating binge at maxwell, then to people's park food centre... cauz... morning exercise wasted liao... hehehe... Here, bob acting slutty beside the Majestic... hahaha...
Sunday soccer after a whole month went by without kicking a ball... damn it felt good... somemore no see gin nas to bother us... we had the whole court to ourselves... the day was graced by the appearance of (recently POPed) PTE FOO jizheng and bob who haven't dropped by in quite a while... somehow it brings back the good old days when we all used to play footie together in a team aptly named Perfect Eleven... mention the name and the football fraternity in AHS will shudder in fear... after all... we were THE team to beat during our heyday... heh... above: Chee Wan Heng lining up to take a freekick while Doong (fat ass guarding the post) and the wall stood haplessly… hahaha…
Thursday, September 25, 2003
This week's definitely the "hell week" of the entire semester. What more could i ask for? 3 assignment deadlines in a week... whoah... awesome... no laughing matter man... each project's worth at least 20% of the final grade... cannot fool around leh... luckily most of the shit's been over... now i'm in school doing my last project due tomorrow... shouldn't be a problem... everything's going smooth... don't think we need to endure another sleepless night as with the other previous projects... On another note, my blospot has registered its 1,000th hit... WOO!!! thanks to all the people who still bother to take an interest in my rather mundane life... you people could certainly help spice up this website by adding in more comments... cool huhh?
Sunday, September 14, 2003
This is a picture of Zhiwei, Adrian, and me taken at Changi airport... we were there to send off the drug sniffing guy aka " see du wen long " aka " peh hoon kia " in the middle... eh if you're reading this... don't look left look right look behind... it's YOU!!!!! YES!!! YOU!!!! SEE DU !!!! hahaha... supposed to post this weeks back... but he didnt send the photo so i cannot post loh... for my jc friends who wish to know where he is now, he's currently studying economics at University of Western Australia ( did i get that right Adrian? ) don't pway pway leh... hehehe...
Today a record was broken... slept for a consecutive 18 hours except for a 3 min pee break at 3 in the morning... powweerrr... thanks to the editing of the MOR project the night before... And so i woke up to the sound of dragonball Z cartoon on TV at 9... took a bath... breakfast and then its off to send my mum off to Kuala Lumpur to visit my aunt who was injured in a fall... but the day didn't end there... had to meet up with the peeps from my marketing class to do the marketing proposal due the coming friday...aarrrgh... will the projects ever end???! When the discussion ended in the evening, i dropped by HMV for a look at any bargain cds i could lay my hands on... plenty of stuffs were on sale... and i had to contain the urge within... hehehe... good... it shows some self control on my part...
Another thing to mention... as i was waiting for the bus by the bus stop (where else??! hehehe), a monk in his holy robes smiled at me as he walked past me... i naturally smiled back at him too... then i thought to myself... " wait... this is strange... i didn't look particularly approachable..." Cos' you see... i was stone faced, wearing my fierce looking Harley black tee and faded levi's jeans... and standing on one leg... not the type of guy you would wanna mess around with... at least from MY perspective... hahaha... hmm... therefore i conclude... he must have seen buddha's spirit, forgiveness and magnaminity in me... it could be an omen too... after all, me and bob have always talked of abandoning our worldly desires and adopting secularhood at Kung Meng Shan... the moment the monk smiled at me in such a peaceful way still stuck in my mind... for that instant i swear i almost feel like shaving my head and ripping off my Harley tee and asking him to spare me one of the robes he is wearing... hehehe... right now, Summerslam calls in the background... the sound of pain and bodies hitting the floor with bone crackling impact fills the air like music to my ears... ahhh... violence... who can resist the lure of it?
Friday, September 12, 2003
this is us... wasted... me and Armi doing the editing for the MOR project due this afternoon, but we never forget to have some fun in the middle of the shit we are in... worse still, there's a 0930 lecture coming up later... jialat... f***ing hell...
SAVE US!!!!!!
Tuesday, September 09, 2003
Our great leader, James... " Hail Hitler !!! "
The pose i asked Jas and Mag to hold... what a beauty this picture is... this picture so epitomise the feminine beauty... certainly one of the best i've ever taken... hehehe... ( why am i lying like nobody's business??? )
Two extraordinarily taken photos... damn... i told you guys i have a flair for taking artsy fartsy photographs... maybe when i have the money, i will invest in a medium ranged digital camera... hmm...
Monday, September 08, 2003
Just came back from school after a hard day's work... it was only until today that i had the chance to post the pictures i took during last Saturday's marketing project meeting at Pacific Coffee Company... my weekend was "burnt" ( not that i had much of a life anyway ... ) doing school work... no soccer on Sunday either... Maannn... this sucks... however, it was fun hanging out with these peeps... David mentioned we all looked photogenic in the photos i took... as far as i am concerned, there's only one that fits the bill... who?... need i say more?? hahaha....
( Guy in maroon shirt: James , Guy in black tee: David, Gal in black top: Magdalene, Gal in beige top: Jasmine )
Friday, September 05, 2003
Back again as promised... hasn't got much of a life this week, as expected... to school and back almost everyday... it sucked big time man... on another note, this is the 3rd time Magdalene said her work and the rest of the group's came undone by the double edged sword that is technology... its kinda heart wrenching to see that the effort put into the assignment were wasted by a rather harmless looking piece of gadget, the ZIP disk... for all the convenience it brings, people tend to overlook the fact that they are afterall, inventions by humans... they are not perfect, as with all the things in the world, living or not... so, a point to note, always be content with what you have, well... i have my pen and paper... and just to make things safe... there's always the 3.5 inch floppy...thumb drive... CD-RW... you know where i'm getting at... look for alternatives always... you will never know when it will come in handy...
Sunday, August 31, 2003
Today marks the end of my self appointed break from the rigours of studying... has been a helluva week really... plenty of assignment deadlines to meet and endless nights of rushing for time... man... could life get any harder? It was a well deserved break what... haha... i am just trying to make myself feel better here...
me lazed at home for the whole of saturday after handing up the last assignment for the month and today was spent, as usual, playing soccer with my buddies... was good... except kenna 'released aeroplane' by a couple of people... sighhz... disappointing... why can't people be more responsible? so we ended up playing 2 by 2 by 2... cool or what? haha... ran myself dog tired but needed some exercise anyway... hehehe... jeessus look at my belly... all right time to go off... tomorrow will mark another new round of torture... i will still update my blog regularly so keep your eyes peeled on this website for all the latest news in town! Adios...
Saturday, August 30, 2003
This is me... floored.. big time...
It's been quite a while since i last post any pics on my blog... the above pic is that of my project group, taken just after a presentation which we've worked through the whole night for... damn it sucked... but luckily the presentation went well though... our Hongkie lecturer Patricia seems to like it quite well... including the skit we did in the middle of it all... it was a refreshing idea to bring across our research topic of " Older Women, Younger Men" to the audience... hopefully the grades come out well too... it has to !!!
(from left: Francis, Elaine, Moi, Hongkuan, Armi, Zhengyi)
Friday, August 29, 2003
Life couldn't get any shitier than this... its almost near the crack of dawn... and i've been staying up the whole freaking night just to get my assignment done in time to hand up later at 5 in the afternoon... last minute work again you might say? well... yes and no... this semester is just too much... one after another... deadlines just keep hitting you like a ton of bricks... you couldn't even react in time... well i suppose i could do with a little bit of time management skills... its not that i've been wasting my time away playing computer games... on the contrary, i've been diligently doing my work... yet i still ended up here typing for my dear life... jeesuss christ... hehehe... all right... time's up... gotta go!
Saturday, August 23, 2003
Right now i'm in my school's computer lab doing my project which is due on Monday... suddenly i hit upon the idea of putting up my alma mater's website on my blog to relive the good old days... after all these years (i graduated from AHS in 1997) i still have fond memories of the school... i believe a lot of my friends would agree as well... unfortunately it was only just months ago that they chose to destroy the basketball court we play soccer religiously every sunday, and built a freaking single poled basketball court in place of it!!?! Just what is wrong with the management??! Didn't they realise that the 'basketball' court is for the SOLE purpose of playing soccer? Football is OUR religion!!! I mean, since school days, it has always been the case... it was and still IS an unwritten rule that the only ball that could be seen bouncing on that 'basketball' court is a freakin' football!!! What insolence!!! this is an utter lack of respect to us alumnis who have brought much fame and glory to the school... hahaha AS IF... anyway, here's another reason why i put up the website ... i was thinking of writing a petition of sorts to AHS (you guys could find their email address inside there) and even if it is an almost impossible task to persuade them to actually demolish the new one , at least it will be good to make our voices heard...what say you peeps? (especially the usual soccer kakis) I mean hey! they are taking away a part of our memories... it's the only thing left that still bonds us to the school... surely they do not want to piss us off huh? (if only ah Moo was still the principal...hehehe... but then again... who knows?)
Received some feedback that the "comments" link doesn't work... i'm aware of it... but just not enough time to go read up on how to fix it... anyway... i've done just FIVE minutes... smart or what? haha... now you guys are more than welcome to post anything that you feel like letting off your chest... cool? Uh huh... speaking of which i've decided my blog needs a new look... the green is getting a tad too boring for my liking...
one thing i must agree... the fonts looked soooo much nicer... all right... time to hit the sack... another day of toil and labour in school for the "Methods of Organizational Research" group project awaits me later... till then... take care folks...
(By the way,just an update... it's the server problem... even though the "comments" counter remains at (0), your comments are already posted... you will just have to click on the link to see it...)
Thursday, August 21, 2003
Took part in my school's sports day yesterday... as usual what sport could i possibly play? soccer of course... what game could be more exciting and adrenalin pumping than the 'beautiful' game? well we had a strong ensemble of players... it was almost perfect really... whichever position you name... there's always someone who's tailor made for that role... and rightfully so i claim the right side of midfield as my own... haha... it was a 7 a side game held in NUS SRC... our team started the tournament well with a 1-0 win over some smelly foul playing team named titans... so much for brawns... it doesn't get you ANYWHERE jerks... coming up... the semester 5 team which never got into the finals all their life... a comprehensive 2-0 win for us... NEXT ! the last of which was a motley crew of army singlet boys fresh out from NS... haha... what to expect? they're nothing... whipping boys at most...heehee... and i scored the only goal... helluva scorcher from just outside the box... WOOOO!!! hehehe... BUT who was to know fate would dealt us a fatal blow, finishing as group leaders, we played the underdogs of the other group who finished second... it was expected to be a walk in the park... and true to expectations, we bombarded their goal for most of the entire game but was shattered by a single goal out of the blue... it was their only chance and they definitely made it count... it was not helped by the fact that they played so negatively, packed their defence like sardines, and played rough... damn... whatever happened to idea of the 'beautiful' game?
Thursday, August 14, 2003
I'm in school now... taking a break from keying in the fields in the SPSS program... never knew it would be THIS tedious... anyway as i was thinking of something to post on my blog, i suddenly remembered that particular spitting incident by a f***ing Chinaman... partly ignited by his fellow Chinagirl who walked past me along the corridor moments ago...hehe... and so it happened like that... this was a few months back... i was having lunch at the foodcourt (oops i nearly said cookhouse... haha...) in my school when i saw this beng-ish Chinaman chewing on his food, then spitted out on the floor!!?? i thought to myself... what the f***?! is he doing??? Obviously he is showing a utter lack of respect for MY country... JEESUS christ... then i remembered this article from a straits times beijing correspondent on the spitting scene in China and i was totally grossed out they even considered it to be their culture... and so darn proud of it... damn its soooo uncivilised... i mean... for all the history and achievements of China... is that the best they can bring to us?? which reminds me... i strongly suggest to PM Goh and his merry men that we should pass a new law to cane Chinamen who spits in Singapore ala Michael Fay... this should send shivers down their spines... otherwise you will see more and more of this socially undesirable and unrepentable behaviour by their comrades who are swarming our shores this very moment...
Supporters for the " Cane Chinamen who spits" campaign? Anyone?
Thursday, August 07, 2003
I was reading today’s ST papers... quite appalled at what i’ve read regarding the aftermath of the Jakarta Bombing... apparently, this injured Singaporean employee from the blast said this to his boss: “ Uh sorry, i’ve lost the lap top...” To which his boss retorted: “ Shouldn’t you worry about your loved ones instead?”
Committed or Confused? You decide...
Tuesday, August 05, 2003
I don’t know what you guys think about this... I was on the train a few days back and saw this couple sitting opposite from where i was standing... they were like any normal couple but what struck me was what the girl did... she was having a cold and was sneezing quite badly, so instead of using a tissue to clear up the mess, she turned to her boyfriend’s sleeve and wiped her nose off it, in a seemingly playful manner... and i thought what was the sweetest part to come: he doesn’t seem to mind either... i was wondering how many guys out there would react the same way too? Me? I would say it’s one bliss of a stain... hahaha...
Saturday, July 26, 2003
It’s been almost two weeks since i last wrote anything on my blog... hope you people out there are still coming in regularly despite the lack of entries... wait this makes no sense... why would you guys want to come in for then?! Anyway, it’s been 4 weeks into the beginning of the long and arduous academic life i have no wish to pursue, but for future’s sake... work’s already piling up to my neck and i’ve been consistently going to school almost everyday... but school work aside, i still meet every Sunday to catch up with my buddies for a game of soccer, which, the way i see it, is more than a game... it’s about friendship, tried and tested, and will be so, hopefully for years and years to come...
On another note, jizheng was officially enlisted to serve his NS last Wednesday... bet he must be relishing the chance ... after all he was given a choice to downgrade yet he chose to soldier on for a shot at the big time... some of you must be pouring scorn on his decision now... “ why choose to suffer?” i think not my dear friends... i, for the record, stand by his decision and support him... To me, and i guess for him too, it is a higher calling, the sacred sense of duty towards our motherland... give me my M-16 anytime and i swear on my life, the only way i getting out... is by going down...
Monday, July 14, 2003
I HAVE to write this down for posterity... hahaha... yesterday at our weekly sunday soccer game, i scored my first ever goal using my head...YES you didn't hear wrongly...i really scored with MY head!!! You people might find it hard to believe that the kiat who never once uses his head to touch the ball actually scored with a header??! I'm proud to say ... I did it MY could say i was happy, elated blah blah blah... in the words of malau and doong... i was no longer the wonderkid... i am THE complete midfielder... hahaha... how apt... a fitting description for a player of MY stature... All right before i get too carried away, let's give credit where its due... to my team mates who make it all possible that day... you deserve a mention... Lye Heng in particular who made that purrfect throw leading to the historic moment... haha... actually i gave him a new name just yesterday... Eddie Goh-rerro ( geddit? ) hahahaha.... i've had a good laugh over it...
Right now i'm in my school's computer lab doing some research for my project, and waiting to meet up with the rest of the guys to discuss it later in the afternoon... so, till then people...
Tuesday, July 08, 2003
Just saw it on TV... Ladan and Laleh , the Iranian twins who came all the way to Singapore for the ground breaking surgery to separate themselves has succumbed to the odds which was so heavily stacked against them right from the start, has died within hours from extensive loss of blood... my heart just sank there... my ever emotional mum fought to hold back her tears too... must have taken lots of guts to go ahead with it even though they knew chances would be slim... then as TV footages of them going about their daily life run through, i wonder what might make them give up all that life has to offer for just that one shot that might change their lives forever... and it did... in the most cruel way...
A mini jc class outing in town... boarded the NEL to see whats the hooha all about... its just a train system anyway... heh... met up at chinatown mrt... had dinner at maxwell food centre before going over to a cafe joint at one fullerton for drinks... spent most of the time playing catch-up... from left: Kok Kang, Adrian Yaw, Hui Hui, Gracie and Liumin...
Just for laughter... Moe from The Simpsons is in da house...i've placed a picture for easy identification... can you guys spot him? ( Ed, if you are reading this... don’t laugh... give others a chance lah... ) hahaha...
Thursday, July 03, 2003
School has already started for me... only 6 weeks of holidays... where got enough??! but starting early means i get to end early lah... so... ok loh... anyway to the people who visit my blog religiously everyday ( i assume ) , i'm sad to say i won't be able to update as much as i want to... you know... school work and all that stuff... till then... and take care people...
(by the way i would like to know any of you guys have difficulty accessing the "comments" shortcut for the past week or so?)
Saturday, June 28, 2003
Thanks to the GSS, Gundam Wing Endless Waltz models are going on the cheap... got this crystal clear model for ONLY $15 bucks... less than half the original retail price!!!
Friday, June 27, 2003
Went to this really swanky restaurant in Fullerton Hotel yesterday with the whole family… was having second thoughts as I was wearing burmudas so too was my mum…haha…somemore the place so posh that the price for dining in must be even “poshier” too… but my sis insisted on going in anyway cos she’s the one giving the treat… as we stepped in, we immediately found ourselves at ease when we saw some tourists dressing sloppily too… phew! But I still find it uneasy getting up every now and then to help myself to the buffet servings though… I mean, for all the grandeur of the place, you find people ( typical Singaporeans ) dressing as though they are going to the wet market ( I’m referring to myself… haha ) Strangely enough the staff did not cast me the dirty look … maybe its because there’s no particular dress code? In any case, there won’t be a next time …if even the restaurant declares everything I eat is on the house… hahaha… Mum if you’re looking at this… don’t kill me please… hahaha… cos I’m gonna tell the whole world what you said on that night… ok here it goes… *sniggles*
The waiter was asking my mum “ Mam’, coffee or tea? “ My mum, for the love of God, and the heartlander auntie she always will be, replied “ Teh Si “ WAHAHAHAHAHAHA... our table erupted into laughter immediately... wah piang eh... high crass restoran leh ... hahaha... my dad added in “ eh ee mmph see kopi kia leh... “ ( loosely translated he’s not a coffee boy in Hokkien ) I tell you people... damn funny man...I’m still laughing away like mad as I’m typing this... hahaha... but on a more serious note, they seldom have the chance to come to this kind of posh place cos they have been slogging their entire lives providing for our needs ... to that, I thank them for what I have today... love you two always...
Wednesday, June 25, 2003
Just finished “In the mood for Love” ( 花 樣年華 ) on dvd an hour ago on an overcast chilly morning, I’ve always liked this kind of weather, it has just the right mood for people to get cosy together… err… no naughty thoughts here…hehehe… back to the show… the movie being an arthouse flick and all, was disappointing really… I wasn’t even aware that the movie has ended… nothing spectacular, boring most of the time… or maybe its because I don’t know how to appreciate this kind of movie… haha… the only kick was seeing Maggie Cheung in cheongsam… she’s one hot chick I must say…
Tuesday, June 24, 2003
Pictures i took during last sunday's return to our tour of duty PLAB for the annual Runway cycling event... i don't think i'm going to cycle again for the next few months... my ass still hurts...
A shutterbug's itchy fingers...
Thursday, June 19, 2003
Listening now to this song " Silence " by Sarah McLachlan and Delerium... heard she's releasing a new album later this year... i'll be sure to grab it as soon as it appears on the shelves of HMV...
This group shot was taken at the final leg of the tour Bedok and Tampines trip on foot and pedals, at Bedok Reservoir… from our footwear you can guess who were the ones actually jogging… the other two I’m ashamed to say, are both slackers…people… move your fat asses and do some work man…
By the way, Kwang… what’s wrong man? You peed in yer pants or wot? Heehee… am I really too fast for you? Tell me to slow down next time ok? hehehe...
You people will never guess where this place is… right smack in the outskirts of Tampines… it never looked so beautiful at sunset so I decided to take a picture of the 3 goofballs I was with ( from left: Yenhan, Kwang and Lam ) But… pity them spoiling the picturesque scenery though… hahaha…
Today i finally close the door to NUS for good... i've talked to a lot of people, did much reading on the course itself and i think what my cousin said made the most sense... he said degrees are commonplace things nowadays and what employers are actually looking for is not much of where you got it from but rather how much experience you've had... considering that, i can most definitely do A LOT of things in that two years i were to sacrifice in order to study for the NUS course... i certainly hope i will not look back at this few years down the road and regret it...
Saturday, June 14, 2003
Went to meet up with ( from left : Angeline, Wynnie, Jizheng, Shaun, Bob, and ah hui ) at " Blue Notes " in Boat Quay after an outing with Hui Hui and Liumin... don't really like the place that much... their chill out music is not that chill out to me... hehe... was pleasantly surprised to see Angeline whom i've not seen for a year and half or so...spent most of the time catching up with her... eh you still look the same, nothing has changed... as ditzy as ever... haha...
After that, the two girls and i accompanied jz to his house to get his car... the other guys were to meet us later for supper... had to drop off Angeline cos she's working tomorrow and as we drove to supper after picking up the 3 guys, we were shocked to find a road block ahead near Singapore Expo and there was one too many passenger in the back seat... s***! we're in for it... we tried a lot of pattern like trying to stuff poor Bob under the leg room and sitting in a staggered pattern in the hope of deceiving the traffic police... hahaha...
as we cautiously approach the police officer, we put on our calm front to try to throw him off guard but alas he saw through our trick... now here comes the funny part... his first remark was " whoa... lorry ah? " damn i try hard not laugh and then as we were trying to get out of the mess, someone said something and he replied " you think what? chan mali chan... " MUAHAHA damnnit he's funny... when we realised we had nowhere to hide, we admitted it and he said " ... thank you sir... you are very frank... please pull to the side and have a nice day..." Whoa i must respect our Singapore TP... unlike our neighbour across the causeway... haha... you guys should know what i mean... And as we were waiting for the summon to be slapped on us, another police officer came over to tell us that his colleague told us to go... Huh?!?! we quickly drove off after saying a word of thanks...not stopping to think case he changed his mind... what a lucky escape...
phew! which only goes to show our officers have a heart too... maybe perhaps we didn't trash talk much with the officer and pissed him off so much he decided to let us go... but anyway you deserve my salute Officer Rahim ( i remember the name meaning 'compassionate' , and bob confirmed it in his blog during a visit to the Asian civilisation museum some time back... ) hahahaha....
2 of my friends, Hui Hui and Liumin, back from NYJC days whom i still kept in regular contact with... this picture is taken at the fountain in front of Ngee Ann city...
Friday, June 13, 2003
Went out with Wyi Teck and Dustin today to spend the $30 Swensen's vouchers we won during last semester's soccer tournament... next it was off to peninsula plaza to get a new pair of soccer boots for teck... after some bargaining i managed to get the boots at $60 instead of the usual $79... hehehe... today i also took a picture of the 2 buggers but i was cursing myself when i accidentally deleted the photo when i was clearing my old ones just when i was about to upload them... it was one of the rare moments you actually can get teck to smile for the camera... my perfectly timed expletives did the trick and voila! captured on film (or memory) for all to see... especially for those who know him... hehehe damnit but there will be a next time....
8 days and counting... 20th June is the latest day to reply to NUS's offer... to take up or not to? My mind seems to be going back and forth in this endless struggle to come to an answer... 4 years is so damn bloody long a time to commit to ... and there is no guarantee that i will do well with all the people around me... but then again it's NUS i'm giving up a place in... a dream i've been dreaming and now it's being presented to me before my very eyes... then again its not just a question as simple as a take it or leave it type... it has far more implications than one could have imagined... how nice if it could be if the offer was given to me a year ago... then all problems would be solved in an instant... right now i'm still pondering...
Thursday, June 12, 2003
Today was spent in the most unimaginable way... played soccer at NUS with my SIM friends from 10am to 2pm then went jogging from my house to the reservoir and back which comes up to about 7 km....'s been a long time since i worked out so hard... the last being in army days where this can be considered the norm... never felt so fit in my life before... all these being said... i wolfed down a mountain of a rice bowl... met up with kwang aphaiwong and had sundae ice cream for supper... hahaha...
Tuesday, June 10, 2003
Don't know whether should i be happy or sad... NUS just offered me a place in Building/Real Estate... all these after 4 years of rejection letters and 3 'A' Levels exams... can't believe all this is happening... its like you're being slapped and humiliated left, right, centre and upside down, then all of a sudden, the fella gives you a lollipop... and invites you to live in his bungalow.... just how the hell am i supposed to react??? suck suck sucks... damnnitttt....
Just a thought... why do fools rush in where angels fail to thread?
How i wish there was an answer to everything in life...
Plaque for the fallen warriors... and this is how people vandalise the walls... disgraceful behaviour... where has all the civility gone to??! *tsk tsk tsk*
Memorial for the war dead in WWI and WWII
Check out my new addidas "looks-and-feels-like-predator" soccer boots at only $65 !!! Cheap cheap cheap cheap!!! Watch out!!! the rest of my soccer buddies, i'm gonna razzle dazzle you, make you see stars and eat dust!!! so good you'll never know what hit you!!! "RESPECT MA ARTHARADA !!!"
Monday, June 09, 2003
Some of the pictures i took today... not bad huh? Damn i think i'm good...
Went to library@esplanade today to return my DVDs and also to borrow good can this get??$20.80 for a year's worth of DVDs, DVDs and more DVDs!!! Wahahaha...
Just before i left my house, i took along my very screwed up digicam to entertain myself this afternoon... hahaha... after scrutinising every single DVD available on the shelf, i got for myself Lilith Fair (Sarah's inside!!!), Journey to the West: Pandora's Box (starring Stephen Chow who else?) and Planet Of the Apes ( i haven't watch before) woohoo!!! another big harvest... and so i went outside for some outdoor photography to satisfy the people who say my blog lacks arty fartsy pictures haha... so there you are...not bad for an amateur huh?
Half expecting scorching heat that has been blasting our island for weeks, i was pleasantly surprised to find cooling breeze blowing into moi face and moi silky hair ( errr... i forgot i'm sporting "arami" style now ) Dang! like a tourist who's never been to S'pore before, i snap at almost anything i can lay my eyes on... from buildings to statues and from men's loo@esplanade to dog's poo@padang... nothing escapes my camera...hahaha... ok i made the last bit up myself... I was walking along the Queen Eliza park opposite the Esplanade when i saw a local guide and a silly ang moh dressed up in colonial garb ( goddamnnit he's Raffles)
telling stories to a small enthusiastic crowd made up of aunties at the Lim Bo Seng Memorial... haha i wanted to snap this "Raffles" for you guys to see one but then i couldn't find a covert spot to carry out my deed... dammnit...
Whoa... time is almost 4 when i've finished my round at city hall... i went over to peninsula plaza for a look to get a replacement for my soccer boots... 1st stop: this small shop and i saw this predator like addidas boots i quite fancy so i ask the uncle is $89 the best price he can offer me... he said $70 and i was like " sia!!!" but my instincts tell me there might be even cheaper deals ahead of me.... i was damn right but the only thing is all the shops i've been to has only the last pair of the same design!!! W T F .... so i went back to the first shop and managed to get a pair of my size at $65 after much bargaining.... case closed...
Sunday, June 08, 2003
Friday 6th June Liumin and Hui Hui ( 2 of my JC classmates whom i still keep regular contact ) came over to my house for a visit...i told them they must feel so honoured to have been the first female species to step my house ( i think...) hahaha... well, there's a first time to everything right? scrutinised moi place and laughed their silly heads off with old photo albums i showed them... they were hanging around watching Sarah McLachlan's DVD i borrowed and wasn't intending to stay for long until my mum called to ask them whether they would want to taste her culinary skills and so they agreed... another first... hahaha... quite a few firsts happened that day... nonono now don't you think dirty... haha... after dinner we wanted to go KTV but was fully booked at most places so we hit the town for some picture taking... would love to put up the pictures of the girls and places we went but due to technical difficulties, i'm unable to do so...
Met up with my army buddies for a game of soccer at NTU...initially we had planned to play at the SRC but the f***ing Banglas took all the space to play their stupid game of cricket... wonder what's so interesting batting around with their wooden sticks... morons... so eventually we settled on an uneven field at Hall 7... no choice...
Our opponents were Siang Ann's neighbour and his friends... very fit, rather average skills, but definitely BIG TIME stinkos who irritate us at every instance with little nudges here and there... it was therefore no surprise Ah Long erupted after constant harrassment from one of the defenders... a little free for all fight happened when one of the opponents rushed towards Ah Long and our captain Ah Guan whacked the little b****** to save him... tempers were flaring but eventually cooled down from the timely intervention of both sides...
1st half score: 3-0 to Team FDS Bravo... whoa man easy meat... seems quite clear to me brawn doesn't get you anywhere... Full time 4-3 FDS Bravo... that's because we've gotten complacent and partly due to the loss of my ex-section commander Ah Cheng aka " G C B " hahaha... this guy still look every bit the name we gave him... but he plays good football... and ex-PS Steven Soosai with his silky ball skills ( damn indians can play good football...) right now the fella's not in regular service but a full time DJ at small-time events... cool... and so we hung around playing another round of soccer among ourselves before taking a shower at the nearby hostel and went to Jurong Point for lunch... it's been really nice to see them again... till 22nd June Runway Cycling my comrades!!!
Wednesday, June 04, 2003
Went swimming with Bob and Lye Heng at Bedok Swimming complex and today a historic first happened to Bob, he got chatted up by a rotund lady in saxxyy neon green bathing suit... wooohooo! way to go Bobby boy!!! HAHAHAHAHA.... me and Mervyn ( whom we met at the swimming pool also ) swam away from danger before Bob could even say the word " f*** " ... and so it was left to Lye Heng and Bob to fend for themselves... oohh the grass is so much greener on the other side...lalalala~~
Tuesday, June 03, 2003
Yah... i forgot to mention i went to library@esplanade to sign up for this premium membership thing at $20.80 ( thanks to bob who told me about this ) and it allows you to borrow all the stuffs you want, including audio visual materials like movies and music DVDs... A W E S O M E... its a damn steal !!! And so i got myself Sarah McLachlan's Mirrorball, Bryan Adam's MTV Unplugged and a movie Duke of Mount Deer made in '92 starring my favourite slapstick comedian Stephen Chow!!! Fantastique!!!
Oh yeah i met my father's subcontractor friend who's a dead ringer for Kong haha ( for those of you who still remember who he is...) damnnit when he was driving up to me in his pickup i was shocked for words... i mean what was Kong haha doing here delivering paint to my dad??! Seriously if i had my digi cam by my side i would have asked him to pose for a shot for you guys to see... you HAVE to see to BELIEVE it... haha speaking of Kong haha i still remember him and his rather eccentric behaviour... like chasing you round and round the field knowing he can NEVER catch you and stealing my 20 cents hacks sweets with weiyang and yes! HE TWISTED MY NECK BEFORE THE START OF GEOGRAPHY CLASS FOR NO REASON AT ALL!!!! if i didn't remember wrongly, it was a TOTALLY unprovocated assault dammnit.... there i was sitting in class quietly waiting for lessons to start and all of a sudden... i heard a sickening "CRRRAACCCKKK!!!" (actually no lah...i add the extra words for dramatic effect) in my neck from behind... damn i was pissed...BIG TIME!!!(yes i could still stand up...) i stood up, turned around and chased him to his seat before delivering the final blow to his head with a earth splitting chop ( that was the ONLY time i ever used force on anyone...i swear!!!) And when the teacher came in and asked why my head was tilted to one side and Kong haha crying silently in one corner... yeah the whole class knows why except you...'cher! Hahahaha it still brings back the laughter everytime i talk about it...
Check out my new handphone... presenting to you the Samsung A800!!!(Thank you mum and dad!!!) What a stylish petite beauty she is... all went well except for one thing... the lady who attended to us replaced my SIM card instead of my dad's because his is rather outdated and not compatible with the new phone he purchased... and as i was happily fiddling around with my new handphone when my line suddenly went dead and i was like " W T F??!" So this morning i made a trip back there again this morning to get a new SIM card for my dad who needs the phone for his work... after that being done i took the train down to Raffles Place to have lunch with my mum and dad who was working at UOB Plaza 1 to refurbish one of the offices over there, and also to pass him the phone... surprise of all surprises i met wyi teck who was distributing flyers at busy Raffles Place outside the stock exchange so i made his job a little (or should i say lot more easier) by taking a chunk of the flyers and dumped it in the nearest trash bin ... hehehe... eh teck next time lunch's on you...haha...
After lunch, i went up to take a look from the 23rd floor where my parents are working... the view from the top was great and you can see quite a bit of the city from where you are... i hung around... helped my parents carry stuffs and painted sections of the wall... haha tough work really... imagine they have been doing this for almost half their lifetime... must appreciate the things they do for you... and that's the only definition of unconditional love i know of... not of the type between wasn't lucky enough to give or receive it... until the time comes... and so to my parents i tell them this: 2 years more is all it takes and hopefully i can secure a stable job that can at least provide for their basic needs and wants... and also fufill my role as a fillial son unlike my goddamned sister whom i have no hopes of her doing anything meaningful in her lifetime... damn i can write a lot of s*** here about her but i think its more than enough... just not comfortable pouring out everything here for all to see... i need a certain degree of privacy too...
Saturday, May 31, 2003
Besides letting you guys take a peek into what my life is all about, i will also become music critique every now and then to let you people know what's good for you and what's not...hahaha... first things first... i have to admit i'm a big fan of the boys from Westlife and i'm not afraid to let others know it... yes... you can bet your last dollar on it that i will sing " Flying without wings " everytime i step into the KTV room with or without my brudders... and dawg... i have to say Ruben Studdard's version of it sucked big time... it's SUPPOSED to be a boybandish song goddamnnit but he made it sound so bad... so bad that i nearly had to switch off the tv to spare my ears from all the torture but for the finale... How about the other boybands? they can all burn in hell with Justin " would-you-be-my-girlfriend?" Timberlake and friends for all i care!!! Muahahahaha!
Okay on to more stuffs, the song which i'm currently hooked on is Delta Goodrem's " Born to try"... not much is known about her... a newbie i suppose but her voice kind of grows on me ... you people can go check her out if you want... it's still being played on mainstream radio quite frequently so you can still catch her... i've just found this picture of her album cover... not too bad looking huh... what do you people think of it?
Friday, May 30, 2003
Yeah yeah i lost money on yesterday's match and it sucked....shevchenko's goal should have been allowed to stand cos' his teammates are not interfering with play...try telling that to the helluva moron referee... sighz... don't know when was the last time i won anything... dammnit...
Bob, Shaun, Lye Heng, Weiming and me had stayed over at jz's place to watch the match... who was to know it stretched till the break of dawn... woke up at 1130 am after a few hours of sleep, played a few rounds of 'Big Brother Two' and proceeded to Katong Shopping Centre for lunch and then it was an impromptu KTV session from 1500 to 1800. Not very enjoyable though cos' the discs were not exactly smooth running and we had to choose songs from the manual catalogue which were dusty, dog-eared and not very up to date... errrghhh.... think that would be the last time i'm going there in quite a while... However we've discovered a new device in the KTV room that holds the mike and kills germs and bacteria using what seems to me like UV light... powerrrrr bruudderrr.... how effective that piece of metal is is anyone's guess... take a look at the pics i've posted... of the people and the .... errr.... metal?
Thursday, May 29, 2003
My angry family.
For you guys out there playing Command and Conquer: Generals, this might tickle a rib or two...
Wednesday, May 28, 2003
Tonight... Champion's League Final... Juventus V AC Milan... My take? AC Milan to win 2-0... And why is Singaporepools placing Juventus as the favourites? God knows but who cares anyway cos at the end of the day i will be happily collecting my winnings of $29 bucks... Hey! You heard it here first on!
Honda VFR 800 (iWish), 2007 Saab Aero X, Saab 9-5 Aero, Apple iPhone, Oakley prescription glasses (iHave), bridging for my genetically missing teeth (iWant), & lastly, World Peace (HA!)