Sometimes I don't know what I want, really. I view the world as one big pile of mess. It is imperfect, yet alluring in some ways. You will fumble your way around, hit obstacles that impede your progress. But you'll pick yourself up eventually, and find your place in the grand scheme of things. Ecstasy? You bet.
Wednesday, February 25, 2004
Le Asian Aerospace Show 2004... what ziou peepearls arre zeeing zhere iz zee Dassault Rafale omni role fightzer planez... one of zee thweez war planz zee RSAFz iz zlooking atz to replacez itz orld A-4 skyhawkz... imprezzive huh? the babes manning zee boothz werez evenz morez imprezzive... heh... too badz i can't takez a shotz of em outrightz...
Definitely one of my favourite... the F-15E Strike Eagle... the air display didn't disappoint... the aerodynamics of the plane was just awesome... don't know how to describe also... have to see to believe... but on another note, the Indian airforce suryakiran acrobatic team didn't live up to the hype... it was plain boring i nearly fell asleep even under the hot sun... hehehe... but then again its the first time they're performing outside of their own country... so.... no... NO EXCUSES... it was a shitty performance really... they should be banned lah...
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Just came back from a friend's mum's wake... it was kinda sudden to receive an sms this morning to learn that his mum had just passed away. It kind of hit on you that life is just so unpredictable... you can be perfectly fine one moment but slump dead the next... and that is exactly what happened to his mum... you just can't tell what THE man above is thinking, don't you? Like pawns in this game of chess called life, it seems that everything on earth depends on how he wants to make his move... this is the life as we all know, yet we must live with it...
So, having said all that, it isn't too late to tell your parents how much you love and cherish them... though i know i'll most probably never do that... i might not show it openly but its in the little things i do... there are other ways to show that you still care about them... Don't hesitate, be upfront about it... In the words of William Hung, " I have no regrets at all... i already gave my best..."
And do take my advice seriously: people who devote more time to their religion than to their own parents... this is a bloody wake up call long overdue. Get your priorities right in life, the whole world does not revolve around religion alone, there IS more to life than religion... I myself have met people who cannot tell the difference between the perfect world and the REAL world, to that extent when it comes down to a discussion on an research topic in my business course, this fella interprets a theoretical example given in the book as something that would actually happen in the real world... in other words, they kinda see things the way they WANT TO see... they cannot seem to comprehend the fact that reality does appear to be VERY DIFFERENT from what they view it to be from the books... their definition of the word 'reality' is somewhat blurred here... and that really appalls me when he insisted on him being right about it when the others all round thought otherwise. If there is anything that he has succeeded in achieving, that is only to make us more confused... i'm starting to see some parallels here... hehehe...
Friday, February 20, 2004
The champion team, as opposed to a team of champions... hahaha... all thanks to the chao yandao guy in black singlet squatting down in particular... he's the team's star player... without him, the team wouldnt even get to smell the trophy... Yes yes... make no mistake... must be him... if not then why would he be in the centre of the picture?
Thursday, February 19, 2004
" The cup of life "
Today was my school's sports day... and like previous semesters, we had entered a team into the tournament hoping to taste some silver ware. We were not to be disappointed this time round, having missed out narrowly the last few semesters. After all, ours were the only team to have made it to the semis every semester. If that isn't good, then i seriously don't know what is... The route to glory was fraught with perils (???!! hahaha...) and opponents who had to resort to violence at the slightest provocation... actually this time round was much better than previous semesters... with the exception of a keeper who tried to kick my little brother when i knocked him down while challenging for a header. I did not react physically, i stood my ground and questioned him what in the hell was he trying to do... the poor f***er was lost for words while my team pulled me away... anyway, not a big issue... we exacted revenge on them which was the team who beat us last sem in the semis... sweet... And so we won the final match with a nerve wrecking penalty kick shootout, which was the only match in which we failed to score... ugly? i don't care... i went home happy with the cup and a 10 dollar swensen's voucher in my pocket. hehehe...
And also huh... why does all the 'masters' i go to for a quick fix on my battered body and legs love to trash talk so much??! cos today after the match i popped by this place adrian recommended (i met him by chance near the place i was going for treatment) he said it was different from the usual one i normally would see (who uses brute force)... this 'master' uses 'shiatsu' or pressure points to treat my ailments... true enough, i was impressed... after a few grabs on my nerves here and there (it was freakin' painful i almost ripped off the cushion of the armrest i was holding to) i could felt the change... my legs did get much better... whoa... powerr... but as i've said, this master also did not let me off... he tried to be funny by cracking a few jokes... super cold ones... and for a moment, i thought i was on taiwanese variety show GUESS GUESS GUESS... (-_-"")
Sunday, February 15, 2004
"the peeps"
Steamboat in the afternoon was somehow rather weird... we initially thought of sitting down to whack whatever food we could lay our greedy hands for 4 hours straight... but it seems no one was really getting any bang for their buck... maybe with the exception of the ever hungry Doong... just look at the heaps of prawn shell on his table... hahaha... today was also graced by the presence of daniu, who seems to have disappeared for god-knows-how-long and suddenly he tells you that he's going over to australia to study... As usual, that is the kind of thing you would expect from DA man himself... hehe... And yeah... thanks for the present guys and gals... appreciate it... =)
Friday, February 13, 2004
I've just finished an episode of southpark... to all those who believe their religion is above everything else... u guys should download and see this particular episode: 712 - All about Mormons... To sum it all up, the many different religions you find nowadays ultimately preach self development for the good of society and most important of all, peace and harmony among humanity.
No religion should be placed higher than humanity himself, and to me, religion is only but a guiding principle on how you should live your life. What i can't stand is people proclaiming that their religion to be the only one true faith in this vast universe of ours..."Hello?! do you people own this entire world??!" okok... i'm talking about SOME christians here... I didn't say that all christians behave in that particular manner... Just who the heck are they to say that? God himself??! To these people, it seems that 'others' like us exist only to make up the numbers and of cause, they have the most enviable task to 'save' us from our 'wayward' and 'misguided' thoughts in the search for true faith. I simply cannot stomach this elitist attitude... it absolutely smacks of arrogance and contempt... the final straw came when someone said this to me... "If you were to die and find yourself in hell, just don't say there was never a religion named christianity..." Hell, i was incensed... it seriously made me wonder just what exactly the pastors in their church are teaching them... it was then that i found a new definition for the word 'terrorist'... harsh this might sound but it ain't far from the truth...
I could go on and on about the great religion debate but i know it will come to no end... however, bear in mind what i've just written is not intended to cause any distress of any form to anybody, in particular christians... there was never any conflicts to begin with and i would most certainly like to keep it that way, as long as you do not preach your religion to me... you stay on your side of the fence, and i stay on mine... everyone's living happily under the big blue sky we all share... To end it all off, i share with you this conversation taken from the southpark clip itself...
"... I have a great life, a great family... the truth is, i don't care if they made it (the religion) all up, because what churches teach now is loving your family... being nice and helping people. And even though all the people... think that this is stupid, i still believed in it. All i ever did was to be your friend but you are so high and mighty that you couldn't look past my religion and just be my friend back... You've got a lot of growing up to do, buddy. Suck my balls..."
How's that for the last liner? kick ass...
Wednesday, February 04, 2004
As i dragged my heavy feet towards bedok library to do some work for my assignment, i actually wanted to pop by Murugam sports at bedok interchange to buy a chance to strike it rich for the upcoming hongbao toto draw one... (the papers ran an article on them being one of the hotspots for hitting the jackpot) Hahaha... but then again... just look at the damn queue... you guys should be there to see for youself... it was as if hello kitty fever just made another comeback in singapore. It was just as, if not worse than that... and it totally put me off the idea of queuing up since i figured it would take me around 2 hours just to get to the store front... So, there you go... not even a ghost of a chance now... yeah it sucks...
Tuesday, February 03, 2004
Its half past eleven... i was going home from my supper at the nearby prata shop... "Hey! Isn't that Uncle Ronald?"
From the back, Uncle Ronald cuts a forlorn figure... as if he's waiting for someone... I slowly crept behind him and tapped him on the shoulder...
I asked him:"Eh uncle Ronald ah, you've been waiting under the rain and sun for 3 consecutive days leh... ler buay sian ah?" Uncle Ronald didn't utter a word... he just flashed me his signature megawatt smile... With that i left him alone there... its getting late... i'll see him again tomorrow morning...
I thought it was really funny some idiot would actually carry Uncle Ronald from the nearby MacDonald's to the traffic junction just below my place... be it merely just for advertising or a prank (which i dun think so...) i still think its worth me making the effort to stand in the middle of the road (to the ridicule of some pedestrians) and taking a photo of it... hahaha... Somehow i feel quite guilty for putting Uncle Ronald in some rather compromising positions in the past... i really hope he forgives me this time... at least these photos are decent right??! hahaha....
Today a friend of mine mentioned to me that whenever she's feeling stressed out from all the studying in australia, she would log on to the net to read my blog... Now, thats the biggest compliment anyone can give me... obviously i'm doing something right here... to be able to let people have a good laugh over the things i wrote... the feeling's indescribeable... this is quite like the way i live my life... you see... i always believe that it is better to give than to receive... nothing beats being able to put a smile on people's face... don't you agree?
Honda VFR 800 (iWish), 2007 Saab Aero X, Saab 9-5 Aero, Apple iPhone, Oakley prescription glasses (iHave), bridging for my genetically missing teeth (iWant), & lastly, World Peace (HA!)