Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Just came back from a friend's mum's wake... it was kinda sudden to receive an sms this morning to learn that his mum had just passed away. It kind of hit on you that life is just so unpredictable... you can be perfectly fine one moment but slump dead the next... and that is exactly what happened to his mum... you just can't tell what THE man above is thinking, don't you? Like pawns in this game of chess called life, it seems that everything on earth depends on how he wants to make his move... this is the life as we all know, yet we must live with it...

So, having said all that, it isn't too late to tell your parents how much you love and cherish them... though i know i'll most probably never do that... i might not show it openly but its in the little things i do... there are other ways to show that you still care about them... Don't hesitate, be upfront about it... In the words of William Hung, " I have no regrets at all... i already gave my best..."

And do take my advice seriously: people who devote more time to their religion than to their own parents... this is a bloody wake up call long overdue. Get your priorities right in life, the whole world does not revolve around religion alone, there IS more to life than religion... I myself have met people who cannot tell the difference between the perfect world and the REAL world, to that extent when it comes down to a discussion on an research topic in my business course, this fella interprets a theoretical example given in the book as something that would actually happen in the real world... in other words, they kinda see things the way they WANT TO see... they cannot seem to comprehend the fact that reality does appear to be VERY DIFFERENT from what they view it to be from the books... their definition of the word 'reality' is somewhat blurred here... and that really appalls me when he insisted on him being right about it when the others all round thought otherwise. If there is anything that he has succeeded in achieving, that is only to make us more confused... i'm starting to see some parallels here... hehehe...

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