Le Asian Aerospace Show 2004... what ziou peepearls arre zeeing zhere iz zee Dassault Rafale omni role fightzer planez... one of zee thweez war planz zee RSAFz iz zlooking atz to replacez itz orld A-4 skyhawkz... imprezzive huh? the babes manning zee boothz werez evenz morez imprezzive... heh... too badz i can't takez a shotz of em outrightz...
Definitely one of my favourite... the F-15E Strike Eagle... the air display didn't disappoint... the aerodynamics of the plane was just awesome... don't know how to describe also... have to see to believe... but on another note, the Indian airforce suryakiran acrobatic team didn't live up to the hype... it was plain boring i nearly fell asleep even under the hot sun... hehehe... but then again its the first time they're performing outside of their own country... so.... no... NO EXCUSES... it was a shitty performance really... they should be banned lah...
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