Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy new year!

Out with 2006, in with 2007!

While 2006 has been pretty good to me, I wish 2007 will be better!

As I'm typing this, I'm preparing to head out for the massive party later on with the guys at Zouk. This is our yearly pilgrimage to the holy land of clubbing, and I wouldn't miss it for the world! Hahaha!!! Time to see the guys and gals decked out in 70s retro gear as planned! It should add some spice for the clubbing session later! Woohoo! Time to bring out the inner party animal in us! Ciggies, booze and whatever you have, just bring it on!!! Oookkkkaaayyy!!!

Lastly... Happy new year, folks! I wish for a great year ahead to all!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Cold December

Decembers are always known to be nostalgic...

They tell you that the year's soon to come and go.

Painfully slow to some because they've had a bad year,
and they wish for a fresh start.

But regrettably fast for others because there is this disease called procrastination, and they always thought they have time... until December knocks on their door.

Decembers signal the end of the year gone by,
but they also signal the start of another.

It is always good to look on the bright side of life everytime,
amidst the gloomy skies and the incessant pouring outside your window.

Cos' you know you'll always be sheltered from the storms in this place you call home.

Have you found your home yet?

I like Decembers. With or without my home.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Merry X'Mas!!!

X'mas is just around the corner!

To all my friends, I wish you all peace, joy and laughter in this season of merry making!

And to the people I hate, please go and rot in hell!!! Hahaha!!! Nah, I ain't so nasty. Time to reflect on your attitude towards others, treat others how you want others to treat you. It's really simple, practice it!

I'm a fcukin' nice guy. Period.

Merry X'mas folks! *Fwah lalalalalalalala~*

Thursday, December 07, 2006

. . . . . . .

I feel insecure. In fact, I feel like shit right now. But should I be even worrying? I had saw it coming, sooner or later. I oughta have more confidence in her, and in myself too. I'm as good as it can get, I know it!!!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

License? What license?

Okay I think this has got to be one of the most lameass of jokes I could possibly crack.

We were at the kopithiam eating breakfast on sunday morning, and the TV was showing trailers of James Bond's newest movie: Casino Royale.

The conversation goes like this:

Doong: Eh, how come Daniu never drive here huh? He got license one or not?

Chink Egg: Yeah, let's ask him...

*Daniu comes in with his food and sits down*

Chink Egg: Eh Daniu you got license or not?

Daniu: Huh? What license??

Me: Simi license? License to kill lah! *hums James bond music while gesturing my hands pointed like a gun to shoot at Daniu*

The whole table erupts in laughter. Sometimes, I can be such a total idiot. I laughed so hard while at the same time admiring the ingenuity of my very creative mind. =P

Friday, December 01, 2006

Eat my shorts!

Let's start a fcuk-the-engineers campaign, shall we?

On another note, this is a happy day, lets not spoil it! =D