Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Could it be true?

Shock grabbed me when I first saw it, then this sickening feeling of helplessness just overwhelms me that I stared into space for a good 5 minutes before it finally sank in.

There are things in this world that you just don't understand. Sad life, cruel world.

Sunday, August 28, 2005


Went to the airport to see Karli and Michel off. Guess I most probably won't be seeing Michel for quite a while now. I think I'm always an emo wreck whenever someone had to leave me, or I had to leave someone. It was proven right again. I did not openly cry lah of cos, for heaven's sake. But my heart will ache severely everytime someone had to go away. I would tease other people endlessly for displaying their emotions openly, but the truth is I'm emotionally affected as well, but I hide it very well lah. Yes, yours truly is not the Mr. cool he always try to make himself to be.

Friday, August 26, 2005


Today is my graduation day. A day I've been waiting for years to come. But it was over before I knew it. Maybe its because of the fact that its just a ceremony afterall. The hard work has already been put in before that.

Anyway, I screwed up the testamur presentation award. I forgot to bow to the academic party when I stepped forward to collect it. You know why? I was friggin' urgent can? My mind blanked out loh, I just hurry the process up and ended up messing it up. Hahaha, not like they are not gonna give me like that. And I thought the best thing that could happen was they give a toilet break in-between the presentation or at least give me a rubber band can? >_< hahahaha...

When the ceremony finally ended, I sprinted like roadrunner to the nearest toilet and let it all out. It felt heavenly, I found the surrounding walls and cubicles transforming into a lush green field and the blades of grass with their shiny morning dew were swaying along with the cool gentle breeze, and I was amidst the vastness of it all. What a relief, what a pleasure it was. o_O" I proceed to join my parents who were busy helping themselves to the spread of food laid out before them. I didn't even grab a single bite leh, sad. To think I paid $15 for it. *Puiii!* After that I scoured around the place looking for people to take pictures with, but I had to leave early because my mum was not feeling well and so I had to drive her back home to rest first. A pity I missed out on the group shot of the entire class, but I guess my mum's health takes precedence before everything else's. Later on, I had dinner back home before I drove out to meet Charles and quite a few others at Swensen's.

Talking about driving, I had borrowed a car from brother-in-law for the big day. It was nice to have a car and drive people around in comfort, but on the other hand, considering how insanely expensive it is to maintain one, it really makes you think twice about getting it, unless of cos you happen to be loaded. In just 2 days, I have spent slightly over $30 on petrol alone, and close to another $10 for parking charges and coupons. Crazy right? I might as well stick to my 2 wheeler, where $10 worth of petrol can sometimes stretch me for a week. I can also squeeze past vehicles easily, and breeze through even the most congested of jams.

Not to mention the feeling of driving a car alone. Man... it can get soooo lonely inside when there's no one around, even when you have the stereo on for company. But then hor, its different when riding a bike leh. When you ride a bike alone, the feeling you get... is freedom... and liberation. Like there's nothing to stop you, or hold you back like that. Not in the speeding sense, but the feeling is just different and I find it hard to put down in words here. Hmm...

Thursday, August 25, 2005


I think I'm too arrogant for my own good. I was preparing for an interview when my friend messaged me:

Lormee: "Get prepared. U have a competitor coming at 3 tmr. Must outdo him k?"

Me (smug look): "I'll not only beat him, but i'll trash him..."

Something tells me I'm gonna fall hard on my face... before my ego.

(ps. Jo is a spelling nazi...)

Monday, August 22, 2005


Don't know what came over me. I woke up this morning and decided that I take a jog around the reservoir. Partly its because I had actually wanted to jog yesterday night but decided against it as I had dinner pretty late last night.

Karli and Michel had touched down in Singapore from Shanghai this morning, and Michel sure didn't waste any time at all, partly due to the fact that she won't be staying long here. 6 days to be precise. Everything's kinda jam packed for them. I accompanied her along where-else-but Orchard road to do her shopping for her friends as well as our colleagues back in Shanghai. She found out the prices are the same, if not slightly more expensive than back home, but the variety here is much more extensive. And she's jealous we have all the better-looking stuffs for certain brands. Haha... I would have to agree on that.

So this week's gonna be pretty exciting. Let's see... On Thursday, there's a gathering for they 2 and a few of the singaporean exchange students who worked at the company. Looking forward to catching up with Fam and Jach then, but they couldn't confirm their attendance as yet. Thursday also happens to be Michel's birthday, so we're sort of planning a surprise birthday party for her. However, something tells me she already knows something fishy is going on. Hope to make this a memorable one for Michel as this is the first time she's celebrating her birthday overseas. Hehe.

Friday would have to be my graduation day of course! as well as my fellow coursemates'! The big day everyone has been waiting for has finally come. Time sure flies, doesn't it? As we embark on the next phase of our lives, don't forget to think back of the many wonderful memories we shared in SIM and in Melbourne. I look forward to throwing the mortar board... or maybe not. Maybe I'll try a stunt and throw the damn thing like a xue di zhi (血滴子). Ya know the martial arts flick where this particular baddie can transform the farmer-like hat into a merciless killing tool complete with blades jutting out from around the rim? hahaha... Then I can slice off the person's head whom I don't like. WAHAHAHA!!!

Saturday will most probably be Sentosa with Karli and Michel. Yeah we all know thats a friggin' boring place but for tourists like them who have never been there before, it would seem cool... at least for the first time. Hahaha... don't kill me STB pleaassee.... After that, I would bring Michel to meet my best buddies and their girlfriends for some cultural exchange over dinner or supper. It should be really cool aiighht? Afterall, she had brought me to see her friends back in Shanghai and its time to return the favour and play the warm sociable host that I am.

Sunday should be last minute shopping for Michel before she leaves in the afternoon.

Phew, should keep me pretty busy this week with the entertaining and stuffs.

Saturday, August 20, 2005


Come to think of it, I didn't do well enough to earn my degree with distinction. But after seeing half, or almost more than half the class graduate with the honour, I am thinking to myself: "Too many people got liao, spoil the exclusivity of the namesake... like any Tom, Dick or Harry can also get like that." To a certain extent, its true. Even some of the people whom I have seen their work attitude sucked big time that I don't know how the hell they managed to achieve it. So much so that it has become quite... worthless, to be honest.

Actually, the truth is I cannot make it lah. Simply can't be bothered to put in the extra effort until the last few semesters when it is all too late. Now I'm having a serious case of sour grapes. Haha...

What they should do to maintain the credibility of the degree with distinction is to employ what else but the bell curve. There should at least be some form of control mah. I'm not saying the others do not deserve it but they must ensure only the top tier of the student intake can make the grade so that there is competition to constantly push for higher grades. If not, once you slack off after hitting the point quota, then it makes no sense to award everyone with the accolade (assuming if everyone can do it). It will make the degree look bad, it will make the university awarding it look bad and ultimately, it will make us look bad. Make sense right?

Monday, August 15, 2005


Woo~ ICT's over soon before you even realised it. 19th to be exact, but hopefully we'll be out-processed on the 18th. Received near to $500 for 3 week's work. Not too bad huh? and I passed my IPPT with a 2.4km timing of 11:06. No more RTs! Yeah!!!

Finally passed the bike evaluation test today on the 2nd try. TP test date is scheduled on the 27th September. I can't wait to pass and buy my super 4 spec III!!!

On another note, I've been reading this blog, the retard patrol, having chanced upon them by accident. Since then, I've become a devouted addict, bookmarking them, and checking back almost everyday for more hilarious ah beng/ah lian bashing. I swore I never had such a good laugh at the things they wrote and the circus freaks they paraded before. Just exactly what is wrong with kids nowadays? and their horrendous smattering mix of english, singlish and hanyu pinyin to boot? "helluuu dehdee marmee, i'm home le...?" wtf?! "i'm home LE?" Good lord! what have these kids been learning?! absolutely cringe-worthy stuff there man... and it's good people at the retard patrol and their affiliates have started the initiative to address what could possibly come a social ill in no time to come. Thumbs up fellas! hahaha...

Saturday, August 13, 2005


I actually managed to finish an entire book "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown. A first in my entire life! Thanks to all the free time I had in camp. Bloody achievement, this is. Mighty fine book I say.

I bought it at changi airport before I was due to fly off to Shanghai, thinking I will have all the time in the world to finish it. How wrong I was. Free time was mostly spent exploring Shanghai on foot, and taking plenty of crap pictures which I have yet to post online. Plus, I could take the laptop home where I had internet access so I downloaded MSN messenger and caught up with the people back home into the wee hours.

I thought the book had somewhat of an anti-climax ending but I kinda half expected it anyway. When can we ever solve the mysteries surrounding the origins of religion? One thing which I liked about the book was that it throws up questions about Christianity and looked at it from a different perspective. A most welcomed change I must say. So many what ifs? What if the bible was all a pack of lies? What if the bible was fabricated by historians who want people to see things their way? In fact, as mentioned in the book, history is biased. Historians write the history of the world according to the way they perceive. How true. So can we say history is objective? Unfortunately, it never was, and never will be. People will always want to portray their history in the best possible light, regardless of what might have happened otherwise.

Buy 4D people, for I have actually finished reading a book for the first time ever!

It was dad's birthday. 12th August 2005. We went to this Tung Lok restaurant in Liang court for dinner buffet, and it was agreed that the bill be split between me and my sis, pris. The food was ok only, but the bill was quite expensive at $38+++ per head. What was interesting though, is that I actually ate half... urmm ok I lied! quarter of a fried wasabi prawn, much to the amazement of everyone at the table. Even my goodfornothing sister (not to be confused with my elder sis, pris) remarked at how I dared to put my golden tongue on that horrible tasting piece of prawn. Sheesh, it didn't taste that bad. But I'm just gonna take things slow, cos I ain't wanna puke like no merlion ya see? not a pretty sight...

Buy TOTO people, for I friggin' ate... prawns?! laughable it may seem to you... not to me though.

I was always thinking that my reservist PC resembles some really bad actor whenever he opens his mouth and talk, until another fella points out to me that he is indeed pierre png (yes... cringe people) in disguise. Hahaha... For an idea of how my PC sounds like, just tune in to Channel 8 7pm TV serial and keep your ears peeled for pierre's dialogue. "美人鱼,我要我的美人鱼!" Waaaa~ *pierre png whining*

Hahaha, and for the record, I don't watch that show. I don't even know whats it called.

Booya people!!!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


The day was to finally come. Section fire movement at one of the last few remaining untouched "forest", tucked away in a little corner at Paya Lebar Airbase.

We put on our SBO, then followed by our jockey caps. Luckily they never ask us to put on our helmets instead, cos I think I won't be able to think properly if I did so. Hehe... We began our tactical movement in file formation, occasionally taking cover near trees and longkangs as we walk towards that little haven of ours. And who would've known squatting down would be such a toture for us NSmen? Even me, a fighting fit 24 year old have some difficulty getting up from the squat position, you can imagine how much pain the uncles and ah cheks are going through everytime they have to squat and take cover.

And so we've finally reached our destination. As I walked among the grass and trees, a sudden gush of memories rushed to my head. It was like back during the good ol' FDC days with my platoon buddies. For that one moment, I felt familiar with the green surroundings, I was ONE with the forest... until a spider crept up my neck and I instinctly squashed it with my palm. Hahaha, no lar I merely swathed it aside... too messy if I were to smash it you see...

By this time, I'm beginning to show the strain of bearing the weight of the SBO, the one full water bottle and the rifle, which seems to be getting heavier by the minute. I sure am getting weak. Hahaha. My neck and shoulders seem so blardy stiff now I could hardly turn my head. *Gaahh*

We were assigned to do the section fire movement spread out in different parts of the "forest". As I walked to take up my position, I could not help but notice the abundance of insects (whoops, I nearly typed incest... wtf?! haha...) among the thick grass. Among them, lotsa grasshoppers, spiders, ants, and funny looking ones... you name it, they've got it... like very crowded hor. Every step I take, I don't know killed how many lives already. *Amitabha* Sinful sinful...

I slung my rifle to the front to prepare for the drill, and wondered whether are they gonna make me prone down while doing it. As the word "CONTACTED!" echoed through the place, I could not help but look towards my fellow peers whom, like me, were also looking at each other as if waiting for a sign from god himself. Hahaha...

One can almost certainly notice the hesitancy as expected of us NSMen in getting completely down and getting our no.4s dirtied in the process. As we cham siong with the section commander, you can hear people saying: "mai lar, ee lang wu siao bo? mai ar ni garang eh sai buay? wa lang si reservist leh! nabeh! kanina lar!" hahahah... damn funny. Like in every ICT, there's bound to have people who kpkb one. But we couldn't do without them also lar, cos' they provide the jokes mah...

When we saw that there was no way he's gonna budge, we sacrifice ourselves in the hope of finishing the whole damn thing faster so that we can have our lunch. Absolutely famished by then. The grass was quite clean actually, but god knows how many insects we've squashed when the fat bellies plopped down on them. Hahaha... I got myself a nice spot when I first landed. But that was not it, at the next leap I moved forward and was to land comfortably when I realised that particular part is wet...

Too late, down I went and my shriek momentarily shattered the tranquility of the place. "MY NO.4 IS WET!!!! OMFG!!!!" Hahaha, no lar I bluff one... how can shriek like a little girl? I uttered a "f***!" underneath my breath, and cursed my luck. I promptly got up, and squatted instead. Wah damn suay man, but heng ah the water is rainwater, not smelly one. I'll just wait for it to dry lar...

It was to be another hour of drills, drills and more drills before we finally get to pack up and head back to camp, and then to the cookhouse!!! Aaahhhh... food... gei wo yi dian chi de ba? huh?

Monday, August 01, 2005


OMG... I think I look like a cock now. Shouldn't have went for a haircut on my own. Should've just let the malay barber at my camp cut for me. *Zaarrr-Zaarrrr-Zaaaarrrrr* Whats the difference?! It looks like shit anyway. I hate reservist... when it involves getting my precious locks cut. Tell me how to face the world like that?! My graduation ceremony coming up on the 26th this month leh! How how how!? Don't tell me to wear wig, cos I'll slap you with a smelly trout! *Grrr...*