Sunday, August 31, 2003

Today marks the end of my self appointed break from the rigours of studying... has been a helluva week really... plenty of assignment deadlines to meet and endless nights of rushing for time... man... could life get any harder? It was a well deserved break what... haha... i am just trying to make myself feel better here...
me lazed at home for the whole of saturday after handing up the last assignment for the month and today was spent, as usual, playing soccer with my buddies... was good... except kenna 'released aeroplane' by a couple of people... sighhz... disappointing... why can't people be more responsible? so we ended up playing 2 by 2 by 2... cool or what? haha... ran myself dog tired but needed some exercise anyway... hehehe... jeessus look at my belly... all right time to go off... tomorrow will mark another new round of torture... i will still update my blog regularly so keep your eyes peeled on this website for all the latest news in town! Adios...

Saturday, August 30, 2003

This is me... floored.. big time...

It's been quite a while since i last post any pics on my blog... the above pic is that of my project group, taken just after a presentation which we've worked through the whole night for... damn it sucked... but luckily the presentation went well though... our Hongkie lecturer Patricia seems to like it quite well... including the skit we did in the middle of it all... it was a refreshing idea to bring across our research topic of " Older Women, Younger Men" to the audience... hopefully the grades come out well too... it has to !!!
(from left: Francis, Elaine, Moi, Hongkuan, Armi, Zhengyi)

Friday, August 29, 2003

Life couldn't get any shitier than this... its almost near the crack of dawn... and i've been staying up the whole freaking night just to get my assignment done in time to hand up later at 5 in the afternoon... last minute work again you might say? well... yes and no... this semester is just too much... one after another... deadlines just keep hitting you like a ton of bricks... you couldn't even react in time... well i suppose i could do with a little bit of time management skills... its not that i've been wasting my time away playing computer games... on the contrary, i've been diligently doing my work... yet i still ended up here typing for my dear life... jeesuss christ... hehehe... all right... time's up... gotta go!

Saturday, August 23, 2003

Right now i'm in my school's computer lab doing my project which is due on Monday... suddenly i hit upon the idea of putting up my alma mater's website on my blog to relive the good old days... after all these years (i graduated from AHS in 1997) i still have fond memories of the school... i believe a lot of my friends would agree as well... unfortunately it was only just months ago that they chose to destroy the basketball court we play soccer religiously every sunday, and built a freaking single poled basketball court in place of it!!?! Just what is wrong with the management??! Didn't they realise that the 'basketball' court is for the SOLE purpose of playing soccer? Football is OUR religion!!! I mean, since school days, it has always been the case... it was and still IS an unwritten rule that the only ball that could be seen bouncing on that 'basketball' court is a freakin' football!!! What insolence!!! this is an utter lack of respect to us alumnis who have brought much fame and glory to the school... hahaha AS IF... anyway, here's another reason why i put up the website ... i was thinking of writing a petition of sorts to AHS (you guys could find their email address inside there) and even if it is an almost impossible task to persuade them to actually demolish the new one , at least it will be good to make our voices heard...what say you peeps? (especially the usual soccer kakis) I mean hey! they are taking away a part of our memories... it's the only thing left that still bonds us to the school... surely they do not want to piss us off huh? (if only ah Moo was still the principal...hehehe... but then again... who knows?)

Received some feedback that the "comments" link doesn't work... i'm aware of it... but just not enough time to go read up on how to fix it... anyway... i've done just FIVE minutes... smart or what? haha... now you guys are more than welcome to post anything that you feel like letting off your chest... cool? Uh huh... speaking of which i've decided my blog needs a new look... the green is getting a tad too boring for my liking...
one thing i must agree... the fonts looked soooo much nicer... all right... time to hit the sack... another day of toil and labour in school for the "Methods of Organizational Research" group project awaits me later... till then... take care folks...

(By the way,just an update... it's the server problem... even though the "comments" counter remains at (0), your comments are already posted... you will just have to click on the link to see it...)

Thursday, August 21, 2003

Took part in my school's sports day yesterday... as usual what sport could i possibly play? soccer of course... what game could be more exciting and adrenalin pumping than the 'beautiful' game? well we had a strong ensemble of players... it was almost perfect really... whichever position you name... there's always someone who's tailor made for that role... and rightfully so i claim the right side of midfield as my own... haha... it was a 7 a side game held in NUS SRC... our team started the tournament well with a 1-0 win over some smelly foul playing team named titans... so much for brawns... it doesn't get you ANYWHERE jerks... coming up... the semester 5 team which never got into the finals all their life... a comprehensive 2-0 win for us... NEXT ! the last of which was a motley crew of army singlet boys fresh out from NS... haha... what to expect? they're nothing... whipping boys at most...heehee... and i scored the only goal... helluva scorcher from just outside the box... WOOOO!!! hehehe... BUT who was to know fate would dealt us a fatal blow, finishing as group leaders, we played the underdogs of the other group who finished second... it was expected to be a walk in the park... and true to expectations, we bombarded their goal for most of the entire game but was shattered by a single goal out of the blue... it was their only chance and they definitely made it count... it was not helped by the fact that they played so negatively, packed their defence like sardines, and played rough... damn... whatever happened to idea of the 'beautiful' game?

Thursday, August 14, 2003

I'm in school now... taking a break from keying in the fields in the SPSS program... never knew it would be THIS tedious... anyway as i was thinking of something to post on my blog, i suddenly remembered that particular spitting incident by a f***ing Chinaman... partly ignited by his fellow Chinagirl who walked past me along the corridor moments ago...hehe... and so it happened like that... this was a few months back... i was having lunch at the foodcourt (oops i nearly said cookhouse... haha...) in my school when i saw this beng-ish Chinaman chewing on his food, then spitted out on the floor!!?? i thought to myself... what the f***?! is he doing??? Obviously he is showing a utter lack of respect for MY country... JEESUS christ... then i remembered this article from a straits times beijing correspondent on the spitting scene in China and i was totally grossed out they even considered it to be their culture... and so darn proud of it... damn its soooo uncivilised... i mean... for all the history and achievements of China... is that the best they can bring to us?? which reminds me... i strongly suggest to PM Goh and his merry men that we should pass a new law to cane Chinamen who spits in Singapore ala Michael Fay... this should send shivers down their spines... otherwise you will see more and more of this socially undesirable and unrepentable behaviour by their comrades who are swarming our shores this very moment...
Supporters for the " Cane Chinamen who spits" campaign? Anyone?

Thursday, August 07, 2003

I was reading today’s ST papers... quite appalled at what i’ve read regarding the aftermath of the Jakarta Bombing... apparently, this injured Singaporean employee from the blast said this to his boss: “ Uh sorry, i’ve lost the lap top...” To which his boss retorted: “ Shouldn’t you worry about your loved ones instead?”
Committed or Confused? You decide...

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

I don’t know what you guys think about this... I was on the train a few days back and saw this couple sitting opposite from where i was standing... they were like any normal couple but what struck me was what the girl did... she was having a cold and was sneezing quite badly, so instead of using a tissue to clear up the mess, she turned to her boyfriend’s sleeve and wiped her nose off it, in a seemingly playful manner... and i thought what was the sweetest part to come: he doesn’t seem to mind either... i was wondering how many guys out there would react the same way too? Me? I would say it’s one bliss of a stain... hahaha...