Saturday, July 21, 2007

Justice, my foot!

I have to attend court for the very first time in my life.

No, its not because I stole a lollipop from the local convenience store or stabbed that young punk blasting loud music from his mobile on the bus.
It was more for something rather trivial, and I was bemused by the fact that the judicial system here in sillypore made things a wee bit complicated for my liking.

I had parked my precious bike under my void deck back in Jan 2007. And I got fined by the town council for that, to the amount of S$100. Tried to reply to them it was because I wanted to shelter my bike from the rain, and so I wrote a letter to them and managed to convinced them to waive off the fine. But still, I need to pay "administrative" fee of S$15.75. I was like "WTF?!" You wrote me a letter and you're telling me it friggin' costs $15 bucks??!

Fighting the urge to write another complaint letter, I decided to back off and pay the sum. But I had dragged this until the final reminder letter was sent to me and I finally made payment on 20/June 2007. Fair enough right? I still manage to beat the deadline stipulated on the letter by more than a week.

To my horror, a lawyer's letter was sent to me on 3/July 2007 asking me to attend court for the said offence. I was like :"OMGWTFBBQ?!". But I had the receipt of payment with me as proof. So I called and then made the trip down to subordinate courts to ask them for an explanation. They said it was standard protocol to come down and be "prosecuted". Nabeh limpeh already pay liao still wanna prosecute me, might as well terminator me lah. I grumbled to myself as I left the building.

Resigned to my fate, I made my way down to the subordinate courts again for the court session. Huddled together with so many other people, I had the opportunity to see for myself how a court session operates. Interesting, but only for that few minutes. After that, it was an agonising 30min wait for my turn to be called and charged guilty as stated.

When my name was finally called, I took the stand before the lawyer dude asked me whether have I made the payment or not. I replied with a convincing "YES" and waved the receipt in his face. Then, he turned to the judge and said that I "claimed" that payment was already made. BUT! still have to come back to court again. I dunno wtf happened then, limpeh tio stunned second time. I said I pay already right? and I got the proof in my hands! Why ask me to come again?? for FCUK seriously??? The lawyer dismissed my claim and told me literally to bugger off, with many others in the queue.

Now this is something which I seriously don't understand, or maybe sillypore's laws just work that way. Bo dai bo ji come back song song, even though things are clear for all to see. Just so they can earn more money? and waste limpeh's time?


I is really D-U-L-A-N by all these.

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