Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Me is going Batam from thursday to saturday & I just cannot wait for it to come! :P

Only you, my hardcore supporters, know about it! WOOOOOOO!!!!

NO business calls, limpeh will OFF the bloody company mobile phone & throw into the Batam sea.
NO watches or any form of time, limpeh will use marker shade the whole watch face black.
NO laptop, or any form of electronic entertainment devices, limpeh will dig a hole and bury in the sands.

Of course I'm talking cock lah, in this time and age, technology is so pervasive and when was the last time do you really recall having a real holiday? One where you can just throw time out the window and do the things you never had the chance to do otherwise? I really think 99.9% of you losers out there haven't had one before.

Either you don't have the luxury of time or money. Things people like us can ill afford to waste. In fact, we need more of it. Time to do & complete more activities; money to buy stuffs to satisfy our insatiable needs & wants.

So, when was the last time you did something for the first time?

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