Friday, August 20, 2004

Sometimes, taking a bus again brings memories of my pre-riding days back... Hey! what am I talking about here? It was only last friday when I first sat my fat ass on the phantom... hahaha... Taking public transport has its perks too, I miss playing visual hide-and-seek with chica bonitas and occasionally glancing at the pretty girl through the corner of my eye... cheap thrills eh? hahaha... But now? No more... What i got in exchange was extra sleep time and the freedom to go anywhere (yes, ANYWHERE) and everywhere i please... that is IF I get my directions right...

Meanwhile, my bike sits in the workshop for more finetuning as I don't want my bike to die on me on the expressway... it won't look pretty i think... heh... Just yesterday, my engine stalled while I was waiting to turn at a traffic junction. All thanks to my clutch and its weak biting point... always seem to flutter and tutter whenever I'm moving off... hope to see it corrected when I get back my bike tomorrow...

And there's this thing about kick start bikes, they won't start straight away when you kick again... not like electric starter bikes... Before you know it, bloody impatient and irritated singaporean drivers are already honking the shit outta you, confirm kancheong one I tell you... cos' I've already experienced myself... (-_-")

Something to share with you peeps... this clip my friend sent me...
Guys, I think you'll be friggin' amused... Ladies, advance at your own peril... hahahaha...

(for maximum effect, crank up your volume now)

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