Friday, November 12, 2004


Call it unpreparedness and an over reliance on misguided information. Whoever told me summer in Melbourne is hot should be kicked in the butt, no questions asked. The day I touched down at the Tullamarine airport, and stepped outside for the first time, it was so freakin' cold I nearly wanted to run back inside and cover myself with all the airline blankets I could lay my hands on... wahahaha... Okay abit "kwa zhang" but it was really cold loh... I could see my own breath man, you know, the white vapour thing that comes out of your mouth with every breath you take? Yeah... I thought it was pretty cool, uh huh...

And so I arrived at Spencer St station after taking the A$13 (WTF??!) skybus from the airport to the city. Wow, and to think a ride on our own SBS or TransIsland never cost anything near... cut throat man... And hoping to save some cash then, we took a looonng walk all the way from the western end of the city to the eastern side where our apartment was located, all the while carrying our backpacks... yes, don't laugh sarcastic brudders of mine, I REALLY did carry a backpack, damn bloody backpack all the way to my place of residence... outdoor hunk ok!!! wahaha... ok lah thats about it anyway, doesn't really qualify as backpacking if its anything according to malau's strict definition.

Feeling sleepy... still jet lagged man... going off now but look out for this space!

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