Friday, November 18, 2005


Mmmkay man, this is really getting to my nerves now. Its been a week since I last went for my medical checkup arranged by the company and they still haven't contacted me as to when I should go down to put pen on paper. For the past few days, I've been practically clutching my handphone wherever I go, even to the loo! Because I'm expecting them to call me anytime during the day but its already the end of the week and I ain't hear nothing from them yet. I'm getting paranoid now. What if they suddenly refused to hire me for whatever reasons?! Now, that would be the nightmare of nightmares man...


myhumbleblog said...

Maybe u call them up after another few days, i mean there's nothing wrong in wanting to find out. Perhaps, they have administrative stuff to take care of before asking u to come in. Then u can rest ur fears when u confirmed stuff with them.

Khoo Kah Kiat alias K3 said...

Terry: Haha, are you sure? I always thought Germans are known to be very efficient workers...

SH: Yeah i called already. They say they will need 7 to 10 days to process the medical report... damn long right? -_-"