Saturday, November 05, 2005

When night becomes day and day becomes night...

Wonder what went wrong with my bio clock. Have been sleeping like close to 6 in the morning for the past few days. Might have been the champions league soccer games on TV, or it could have been the late night suppers at bedok simpang. Damn, my paunch is growing by the inch with every bite of the sinful pratas I take. It didn't help that I couldn't go for jogs with a sprained ankle.

My laptop broke down just now while I was trying to fix a problem. Apparently, it got hit by a trojan virus and when I was randomly removing suspicious programs, I triggered off something and now my screen is only available in the VGA mode... wtf... I'm very distraught now, as though something hit me square on the face and I don't know what the hell it is. Hahaha...

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