Sunday, January 08, 2006

Commercial songs that you absolutely luurrvee

I'm pretty sure there are many of you whom have heard many a song from advertisements that struck the right note with you, and that lead you to embark on a mad scramble to find out the title and singer of that particular song.

As far as I could remember, only 3 songs have actually caught my attention. Firstly, it was the song from one of the SWATCH tv adverts from the 90s when it was, I think close to the olympic games. But in which exact year and city I forgot lah. I only know Beijing will be hosting 2008 though, hahaha. Anyway, I eventually found out the song was titled "Breathe" by this really obscure singer by the name of Midge Ure. And back then, my irc meimei Jo was so sweet to buy it for me, in exchange for the Arkana CD I gave her. Hahaha... *cringe*

Second song was Enya's "Anywhere Is". I actually heard this song on a cab while rushing to school (secondary) because I was late. As fate would have it that I come across this song, it also represents the start of my avid following of Enya till today.

Last but not least, the most recent song to have caught my fancy was this song, or rather clip that goes with the Soo Kee Jewellery advertisment. The intensity that this advert was shown in TV meant that I would have many chances to try to decipher who was the singer behind it. Despite countless attempts to type out the exact lyrics drew a blank on most lyrics websites, I still kept trawling through many other sources until the muzak guru Jo (yes, my irc meimei... haha...) told me to give up cos' it may just well be one of the many one-off song clips that unknown artistes do for advertisements like these. I gave up completely after that. Cos whatever she say must be right.

Muzak guru leh... adoi!!!

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