Monday, October 17, 2005


2 exhausting days of being rejected in your face countless times that I've already become immune to it... It's just part and parcel of working in a roadshow pushing people to signup for something which you hope they understand in a minute or two... Obviously NOT!

Day 1 was good. Fresh on the job, enthusiastic and raring to go. Day 2? Completely deflated, low on confidence and wanting so much to quit halfway. Hahaha. Imagine your legs being strained so much to the extent that you can't even sleep properly with them straight. Damn jialat right?

Anyway, its over finally... a word of thanks to the peeps whom had happened to bump into me by coincidence and signed up for the nets reward thingy, much appreciated! Don't worry, I did not con you all lah, hahaha...

The whole family's away in malaysia for a holiday. The house's so empty, but I have it all to myself! WAHAHAHA... but the bad side of it is, I have to do the bloody chores myself. Sucks big time man.

Something to look forward to this week. After a dearth of interviews, there's one being lined up this wednesday at Raffles place. And today, the job agency asked me to go all the way down to temasek tower just to talk to me for 3minutes and pass me a piece of paper. WTF man...

1 comment:

Khoo Kah Kiat alias K3 said...

thank you, my son... indeed, i am a very sensitive man... hahahaa